What’s up with all the HUSTLE talk?

What’s up with all the HUSTLE talk?

People that hate the word HUSTLE are usually broke or on their way there, and what they REALLY don’t understand about us hustlers is that we work our asses off because we want to

We live for the hustle.
The hustle gives us LIFE.

And if you aren’t successful right now, or you aren’t where you want to be, it’s simply because you aren’t hustling hard enough. 

Hustle hard and get rewarded, but only if you’re consistent with it. 

It’s not enough to just have a “good” day where you get lots of shit done, and then you take off for a few days before returning. No, you need to be on your hustle game, all day, every day. 

There is no other way around it.

And let me just be clear, you don’t HAVE to hustle all the time to make money. You can hustle some of the time and make “okay” money. You may even be able to scale up to a six-figure business, but believe this – 

You will NEVER, EVER grow beyond that if you aren’t willing to do the hustle day in and day out until the day you die. 

It really is that simple.

I don’t know a single high-achieving entrepreneur that DOESN’T hustle all the time. I really don’t. And the reason they can work so much is because they want the fucking RESULTS.

Not where you want to be? Hustle harder.

Now, before I go any further, I want to point out one thing – 

Hustle will not work if you aren’t hustling on the RIGHT things. 

What I mean by that is you can’t just expect to work 24/7 and get rich, if the stuff you’re working on is stuff that won’t enable you to bring in more money. 

MEANING: Stop working on the shit that doesn’t matter!

I guarantee that if you aren’t making at least $200,000 a year right now, it’s because you’re spending your time working on stuff that is totally unnecessary for you to be working on. 

You absolutely MUST HUSTLE, but you must do it on the RIGHT THINGS.

Want to know what those things are?

Listen up, write this shit down, and spend your time doing ONLY THIS STUFF for the next 3 weeks, then report back and let me know how much your income has increased. 😉

1. Mindset Work 
2. Messaging
3. Lead Generation
4. Community 
5. Sales Activity
6. Content 
7. Top 3 Must-Do Items

That’s it, that’s all. That right there is your hustle homework. That is ALL you need to do to make a ton of money in your business. It’s not complicated, but people are fucking LAZY and don’t wanna do the work that is required. They want to complain about the hustle and just not do it.

But the women in my community, that follow me, I know they are hustlers. Because if they weren’t, they wouldn’t want to hang around me or I just might call them out on their SHIT and make it hurt. 

I want you to realize that your half-assed attempts at success just aren’t gonna cut it. You trying to have a work-life balance is not going to work for you (unless you’re okay with just “decent” money, nothing much). There is NO SUCH THNG as a work-life balance when your message is bigger than yourself. 

In order to actually LOVE the hustle, your business needs to be your life and your life needs to be your business. You need to live and breathe what you do. 

Otherwise, the hustle will always be a drain and you will always fight it (which means you will always struggle to make money).

Remember this: Focus on doing work you LOVE and hustle your heart out on the shit that matters. This is the ONLY way to be truly successful in all areas of your life (including making those multi-six or seven figures)!