THIS trumps all. You will never succeed & grow your business without this one thing.

THIS trumps all. You will never succeed & grow your business without this one thing.

When you have passion – 

You know that you can never stop
You know that you are making a difference 
You know that you are doing the right thing
You know that you will succeed no matter what
You know that you are special and DIFFERENT from the rest

When you have passion – 

You do the work, all the work, and you never complain
You show up and give 110% every single day of the week
You make sacrifices and break promises and fuck shit up
You don’t ever take no for an answer and you continue to push forward
You can’t be told you’re not good enough or that your dreams are impossible to achieve

When you have passion, you have EVERYTHING. You don’t need to be ACCEPTED by anyone. You don’t need to ask permission. You don’t need to make excuses. 

You just get up, every day, and do the work you were called to do. You show up, and we listen. You show up, and we learn. You show up, and we buy. 

Every day I get messages and emails from women telling me they need help with their business. 

They ask me – 

“How can I get more people to buy my offer?”
“How do I know what to price this new program at?”
“What do I say to this woman who just said NO to me?”
“How do I handle the “I can’t afford it” objection?”
“How often should I promote an offer before pulling the plug?”

And the most common question of all – 

How can I make more money in my business?

And every day, I do my best to answer as many questions as possible, but what you need to understand is this – 

If you’re not making the money you want, you’re either doing something wrong, or you’re not doing enough. It’s that simple. Get some help. Hire a mentor that has walked your path before and accomplished something you are striving for. Maybe it’s a large community, maybe it’s a sold out coaching practice, maybe it’s hundreds of thousands of dollars.

FIND YOUR LEADER. And then let them lead. 

I didn’t get where I am by thinking I can do everything on my own. I didn’t just say to myself “I’ll do a few trainings, implement, get a few clients, and THEN I will hire someone”. I didn’t lie to myself and say “I just need to get X number of clients and then I can hire someone”, because I knew I would never get those clients on my own. Not quickly enough for my liking, anyway. 

I hired my first coach just a few DAYS after I decided to get into coaching. This is why I was able to grow and scale my business so damn fast!

So let me say this again – 

If you’re not making the money you want, you’re either doing something wrong, or you’re not doing enough. Hire a mentor to help you quickly figure it out and get back on track so that more money is what you get.

When you have PASSION in your life, for the work that you do and the life that you’re living – 

You seek out anyone and everyone you can help with your gifts
You want to change lives, all day, every day, and so you do
You never listen to the naysayers, and you never give up
You trust your gut and always do what it says, no matter how scary it may seem
You make shit happen for yourself because you know that YOU are the only one who can improve your own life

Passion is everything. When you have passion, you achieve things quicker, you make BIGGER progress, and you hit goals you never thought you could ever even get close to. 

If you haven’t found what you’re passionate about yet, keep looking. Don’t settle living a life that you are unhappy with. You are capable of, and deserve, so much more than that.