Ok.. time for some tough love, but also a dose of HOPE for ya, if you’ve been struggling to be wealthy AF and make the money you want. 

If you desire to be wealthy (I’m talking about with MONEY in this case, but of course you can be wealthy in other areas of your life, let’s just be clear about that), you need to have one thing – 

The most important thing – 


Yep. I said it. 

You need to DATE your money. Make it feel loved and appreciated by you. Only then will you feel loved and appreciated by money. 

(Meaning, of course, you’ll start receiving more of it, start KEEPING more of it, start feeling GOOD and safe and worthy of it.)

I don’t mean to take one day a week and sneak a peek at your income/expenses and pay some bills. 

I’m talking - look at your money every damn day. Give it attention and it will give you attention. 

Some days there won’t be much to do, but there’s always SOMETHING to do. ALWAYS. 

The reason it’s so important to look at your money daily, is so that you are aware of it. So you know what’s going on, where you stand, what you’re still working toward. 

If you’re not aware, you’re just running about, doing who knows what for who knows what reason. 

You’re flailing about, trying anything and everything to make that cash. And it just ain’t working, is it?

You just can’t seem to translate your content/messaging into sales?

Not consistently, anyway, and it sure as shit ain’t GROWING, that money.. damn. 

I feel you. 

Hey, wanna hear something cool?

When it comes to increasing your income, your wealth, your ABUNDANCE in regards to MONEY, it’s not just about MAKING more. 

I mean, yeah, OF COURSE you wanna make more.. who wouldn’t? 

But that’s not how you create wealth necessarily. It’s one way, sure, but if that’s all you focus on, then you’ll ALWAYS be chasing money, because you won’t be set up financially. 



I know it doesn’t sound sexy, but guess what? 

You get to decide that is IS. 

If you think managing money is boring, or that you CAN’T, that it’s too hard, or that it’s not fun, well.. that’s what will be your reality. 

You can hire it out, sure, but I recommend that you don’t. I really believe that it’s so important to understand what’s going on with your money. Get help understanding things, if you need to, but KNOW what’s going on. 

Don’t allow yourself to be kept in the dark when it comes to money. 

Look at your money. 

How much debt do you have?
What interest rate are you paying on it?
How much savings do you have?
What kind of interest are you earning on that?
How much do you WANT to have in savings? 
How close are you to that savings goal?
What do you want to invest in next? How much is it? What will it - financially - do for you?
How much are you earning, on average, every day/week/month/year?
What do you WANT to be earning?
How much are you spending, on average, every day/week/month/year?
Do you NEED to be spending that?
How much money are you earning in passive income?
How much do you WANT to be earning in passive income?
What about RECURRING income?
What money comes from WHERE in your business (courses, 1:1 coaching, events, physical products, books, etc.)? 

And don’t forget about your money GOALS and INTENTIONS! 

How much will it cost you to live your dream life?
How close are you to that amount?
What kind of GIVING do you want to be doing (donating to charities, starting your own charity, etc.)?
What else will you do with your financial wealth? 

You will likely need to take a full day to look at all of this stuff. 

From there, it’s just maintenence. Time every day. However much you feel is necessary. I recommend at least 30 minutes/day. 

Sure, you could spend that 30 minutes doing something else, but if you wanna be wealthy AF, you’re gonna have to build (and then maintain) your money relationship. That takes time. 

Just like you commit to giving time and energy and attention to your partner, or your kids, or yourself..

To become wealthy and become financially FREE (finally!), you must commit the same to your money. 

Plus, of course, you’re gonna want to look at your money from an emotional space, too. 

Money affirmations. 
Sales affirmations. 
Clearing money blocks that aren’t serving you.
Releasing negative beliefs about money/sales.
Dealing with money issues in your mind.

Journaling always helps me with this. It very well could work for you. There’s also meditation, visualization, and other mindset tools that will support you in getting your money mindset right. 

It’s not just about doing the physical money work. 

It’s also (and more IMPORTANTLY, actually) about doing the inner money work. 

It’s all of it. It’s ALL important. And required. 


That’s what’s up. 

Light some candles, turn on some feel-good music, and get down and dirty with your money. 

Give yourself the gift of the best relationship with money EVER. It starts with making the time & commitment. 

Start there. The universe (and the money) will follow. 

Don’t forget – 

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Say YES to you and take action now!
