When You Don’t Have The Money

When You Don’t Have The Money


If you want to avoid a virtual bitchslap from yours truly – STOP saying you don’t have the money to buy or invest in something.

Sure, you may not physically see it, you may not know where to find it or that you already have it, but if you open yourself up to the possibility of it being a reality –

That yes, you DO have the money –

The money can and will show up.

It comes down this:




Is the thing that you want a priority? Is it something you MUST have, right this very second?

Yes? Okay, then it’s a priority and you need to do whatever it takes to make it happen.

No? Great. Move on. Don’t think about it again.

Do you feel the value you would get in return for the money you spend would be worth it?

For example, if you invested $1,000 in a program that would show you how to earn $50,000, would you say that value would be worth the initial investment?

Yes? Again, you need to do whatever it takes to make it happen.

No? Great. Move on. Don’t think about it again.


Just like if you were told your kid was gonna die unless you came up with $10,000 in 2 days to pay for the life-saving medicine… you’d find a way to get that money, right?

There are SO many ways to generate cash. There is more available to you than what’s currently sitting in your bank account.

Consider –

Business loans from the bank

Selling stuff you don’t need

Taking on a side job

Credit cards

Increasing the limit on your credit cards

Borrowing from friends or family

Cashing out your RRSP or 401 K

Selling more in your online biz

Talking with a banker about how to get the cash

Sell some of your stocks or other investments

Ask friends and family for the loans back that you gave them

Those are a few things you can do, just off the top of my head. I’m sure there are many more.

Be creative!

Think outside the box.

Do you want it bad enough? Is it a priority? Do you want it NOW? Is the value there?

Well, time to stop bitching about not having the money, and do something to find it and make shit happen.

There is no lack of money, only a lack of creativity.