Where is your PASSION?

Where is your PASSION?

I wish I could say that everyone in my life is super supportive and understanding of my all day, every day hustle & grind, but that would be a lie. The truth is that the majority of my family and friends just don’t get it, nor do they even CARE to get it.

Thankfully, many of them just stay out of my way and let me do my thing, but some of them, mostly those that are closest to me, like my parents, are always trying to talk me out of doing what I do.

Not because they want me to be unhappy (which I damn well would be if I stopped doing the work I love so much!), but because they just don’t understand my passion, and so they want to protect me by telling me to “quit while I’m ahead” and “get a real job that is more secure” (I guess they don’t realize that the most secure job in the world is the one you give yourself).

While I was talking to someone the other day, I mentioned I had a stretch goal of a million dollars this year. They asked me why I wanted to make so much, why did I need all that money? No one was really going to pay me that much, would they?

I try not to get into negative conversations like this, but this time, I gave in and validated my reasoning for wanting to make a million dollars this year. This person went on to talk about how they definitely didn’t need a million dollars, they just wanted “enough to pay their bills”, “enough to be comfortable”.

They then had the AUDACITY to say they would actually be HAPPY to have “just enough”. 

Say what? You want JUST ENOUGH? You don’t want to make a considerable amount of money, buy whatever you want when you want it, experience the things you want to experience in your life? I honestly can’t believe there are people like this out there!

Where is your PASSION? Waking up every day filled with passion is one of the best feelings in the world and I can’t even fathom that there are people who wake up without it. 

Listen to me: Success is your right. Not only that, but it is your OBLIGATION. You are 100% required to be successful in all areas of your life. You owe it to yourself and those around you to be massively successful. And it’s possible for you.

Success isn’t just for “some people”, it’s available to EVERYONE, if you’re willing to work for it. 

And the only way you’re going to be able to do the work that is required to attain it, is to be passionate about what you do. 

I want you to ask yourself 3 questions:

1. What do I love talking about/doing so much, I would do it for free?
2. What is something people are always asking for my advice/support on?
3. What can I talk about for hours on end and never tire of?

It’s likely your answers will be similar for at least 2 out of those 3 questions. That, my friend, is your passion. Your driving force. The fire inside of you. And that is exactly what you need to focus on every single day for the rest of your life, or at least until you have a new passion!

If I wasn’t so passionate about my message, my work, my community, I wouldn’t wake up at 4am every day, EAGER to get to work. I wouldn’t spend my vacations talking to clients and creating content. I wouldn’t be selling daily (and actually hearing YESES). I wouldn’t be visible on almost every single social media platform.

And I certainly wouldn’t be working 12-18 hour days every day of the week if I didn’t love what I do.

The hustle, the grind, the getting tons of shit done every day – 

It’s NECESSARY if you want to be successful. And you’re only going to do those things if you absolutely love and are passionate about your work. 

Find your passion, share it with the world, become a leader in your industry and you will never have to work a day in your life again!