This is just WHO WE ARE!

This is just WHO WE ARE!

I’m spinning.

I have so many ideas right now. 

It’s not even 6am, I’ve been up since 4, and I’m still spinning in my head.

I’ve got my crazy powerful music playing in my headphones and it makes me feel more calm, and yes, powerful. But still, I spin.

Still the thougths swirl.
Still the resistance kicks in. 
Still the passion lights up inside of me.

And still I roll.
With the punches.
With the fears.
With the uncertainty.

Still I fucking kick ass. 

Still I make the decision that I WILL RULE THIS DAY. 

No matter the day.

And so it is. Every day.

Swirling thoughts in my head, I feel, make me more productive, as I just pluck one from my brain and run with it. Explore it. And one of my swirling thoughts today is my swirling thoughts. 

And how much I love them. How much I love having so much going on in my head all the time. I can’t even imagine being someone who gets BORED. Who has nothing on their mind. Who can relax. 


The hustle, I was born for it. 
The constant GO, I was born for it. 
The incredible amount of STUFF I do in a day, I was born for it.

This empire won’t build itself, baby! And I’m not stopping. Ever. 

This morning I spent a bit of time dreaming up what, in an ideal world, my perfect clients would look like? I thought I had a good idea, but just recently realized I was calling in a lot of the WRONG people. 

And though I appreciate everyone who’s in my community, who reads my content, who sends me emails and messages… I only want the RIGHT people to hear me. 

And this hasn’t been the case for quite some time. 

Sure, I do work with some AMAZING soulmate clients, and I do have a large amount of quality, ideal peeps in this community, but the majority? Aren’t a good fit for me, nor I for them. 

My people? Those that just BELONG here?

They’re driven. 
They’re ambitious. 
They have crazy big goals.
They are leaders.
They are outspoken.
They are passionate.
They are willing to make HUGE investments.
They take risks.
They know they were put on this earth to make a difference.
They don’t stop. Ever. For any reason.
They live for the hustle.
They do the work, daily, without fail.
They want the VIP lifestyle.
They want a lot of money and aren’t afraid to admit it.
They face their fears and push through them.
They work with the best of the best.
They make sacrifices.
They want to make the world a better place. 

They absolutely WILL be, do and have everything they want in life, and they won’t stop until they get it!

They don’t sit around COMPLAINING that things aren’t working out. 
They don’t tell themselves they have to WAIT to have something they want.
They make HUGE investments and trust that everything will work out the way they want, or better.
They take action NOW, they don’t wait until “next month” or when they get their next client or when they make more money or when they figure out their niche or when they WHATEVER. They go after what they want straight away. Right now. Today. 

These are my people. These are the ONLY people I can help. The only people who just GET IT, who know what I mean when I say “I can’t NOT work, I don’t enjoy relaxing, I want to HAVE IT ALL, I was born to change the world. And I won’t stop until I do!”.

Can’t you see? 

Don’t you GET IT? 

When you want something badly enough, when you ASK FOR IT, and when you do whatever the fuck is necessary to get it? 

The only thing that can happen is you HAVING IT. 

If things aren’t working out the way you want, if you can’t seem to get what you want, then you’re simply not asking for it enough, investing enough in your education, or working hard enough (on the right things, mind you, not just working for the sake of working).

Listen, this is easy.


Rinse and repeat for goal after goal. THIS is how it’s done. There IS no secret formula. There is no magic pill. It’s just THIS. 

Why are you making it so complicated?

Your fears are bullshit.
Your insecurities are bullshit. 
Your resistance is bullshit.
Your excuses are bullshit. 
IT’S ALL BULLSHIT. Everything that’s stopping you.

What’s not bullshit, though?

You. Your message. Your undeniable passion for what you do, for your gifts and talents, for your ability to change the world. For your COMMITMENT to seeing that through.

I know you, because you’re just like ME. 

You want it all. 
You WILL have it all. 
You will do what’s necessary. 
You will ignore anyone who tries to stop you. 

We’re like two peas in a pod and I’m a good snuggler, so let’s scootch closer together and make magic happen in our lives! Let’s join forces and change the world together. Today and every day.

I’m serious when I say that you really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want in life. You just need to take action NOW instead of later.