10 Tips on Working from Home with Little Kids

10 Tips on Working from Home with Little Kids

It’s the holiday season - which means loads of food, fun and excitement, and NO SCHOOL! You want to enjoy your kids while they are little, but you also want to be able to run a successful business while working from home. Here are some ideas to keep you working while you’ve got a child at home now and after the holidays.

  1. Work early in the morning or late at night - and during nap time if you’re lucky enough that naps still exist.
  1. Set a work-from-home schedule and try to stick with it. Establishing a schedule (as best you can) while they are still little will help them to understand what you do, as they get older.
  1. Schedule in time for interruptions and play-breaks so you can manage your stress levels and not feel guilty about not working or not playing enough with your child/children.
  1. Designate times when you can give your full attention to your kids - have a routine where they know when you’ll be available for play and when you’ve got to get back to work.
  1. Mobilize your office. Get yourself a laptop, your cell phone, pen and notebook and you can work anywhere your kids are. Work at the kitchen table, backyard, the park, you’ll be surprised how much you can get done in between activities.
  1. Ask for help, remember that you don’t always have to be superwoman. Team up with another mom (or mom in business) and exchange watching each others children. Consider asking in-laws and family members to help once or twice a week.
  1. Delegate business tasks. It may mean spending a little extra money but hiring out the right people for some of the tasks in your business will free up your time to spend with your family. Having someone work on your website, or help with answering customer service emails can be a huge help in keeping your business running smoothly with little ones.
  1. Keep your kids well fed and well slept. When your kids start bouncing off the walls or throwing tantrums so often it can be a sign of hunger or being tired. Keeping lots of healthy food options on hands keeps your toddler happier, calmer, and lets you get more work done.
  1. Do something for yourself. Take some time during the week to make sure you get time in to do something that’s just for you, NOT work related and NOT mommy related. Read a book, take a nap, take yourself shopping (even online). Keeping yourself motivated by scheduling these special times in lets you focus and refresh your batteries. Set yourself goals and celebrate each victory with doing something for just YOU!
  1. Lastly, cut yourself some slack - seriously. Soon enough they won’t want anything to do with you anyways. Enjoy them while they’re still little!

