When you show up every day EXPECTING everything to work perfectly for you, it’s not so surprising when it does. 

And yet, you tend to wake up and start your day with negative thoughts, don’t you?

“It’s freezing!”
“I don’t want to get up yet!”
“Ugh, I’m starving!”
“It’s too dark!”
“I really don’t feel like ______ today!”

You’ve set the tone for the day. You’ve told the universe you don’t want, nor do you expect, things to be awesome and perfect. And so as you carry on for the rest of the day, you find other things to complain about. It’s actually become REALLY easy to find things to complain about! You see them and recognize them all over the place. And you bring awareness to them by pointing them out and physically complaining about them (even if it’s just in your head). 

But don’t you know that what you focus on is what you will create more of?

Don’t you know that in order for you to be truly happy and to have things ALWAYS working out in your favor, you must recognize and give loads of attention to the things that make you feel GOOD? (And believe it or not, many of these things are happening each day, you just don’t acknowledge them.)

When you wake up - “I’m so excited for another day on Earth!”
When you drink your coffee - “This coffee is going to give me so much energy!”
When you eat your lunch - “This pasta salad is freakin’ delicious!”
When you’re online - “I LOVE using social media so much!”
When you’re going to bed at night- “Man, this bed is SUPER comfy!”

And when you wake up each morning, you must DECIDE, right then and there, that everything is going to work out perfectly for you. All of your wishes and desires are meant for you, and are happening for you right now. Choose for that to be your reality. Choose to see these things manifesting. Choose to believe. 

It’s absolutely critical to getting what you want. 

So no more complaining. 
No more whining. 
No more paying any attention to the negative. 

There is a song that I listen to when I want to get into a positive vibe (especially when there is a lot of negativity around me or even inside of my head), and it’s called “I See It I Want It I Got It”, and it reminds me that whatever I want, I can have. Whether that’s a physical possession or a certain thought or feeling or mindset – 

I just see it in my head (or see myself experiencing it), acknowledge that I want it, and hustle until it’s mine. I believe and trust that it will happen for me and I act accordingly. 

I don’t stop. I don’t get pissed off if it doesn’t show up today, tomorrow, next week or even next month. I see it, I acknowledge that I want it, and I keep taking the aligned action until I’ve got it. 

Every day. One foot in front of the other.

Setting the intention, doing the work. 
Setting the intention, doing the work.

I keep going. I keep pushing. I keep hustling. I keep believing. I keep KNOWING – 

That what I want is wanting me, and that we WILL be together when the time is right. Until then, I do the work. Decide. Ask. Declare. Act. Day after day, night after night, affirmation after affirmation, belief after belief. 

And when you do this enough – 

And I mean you’ve really gonna do it A LOT and fully trust in the process here – 

It starts to become second nature. You start to really, truly see this as your duty. You start to see this as the only way. You start to forget how to slack off. You forget how to complain. You forget how to compare yourself to others. You forget how to hate. You forget how to be negative. 

And you now start to see things in this new light. This new light of positivity and action. And I promise you: Once you can get to THAT point, everything changes for the better. Everything feels easier, you feel so much lighter, the days feel so much brighter. It’s just a much better place to be. 🙂 

I’m not saying you’ll never, ever have another negative thought again. You will. But it will take you only seconds to recognize it and flip it around, as opposed to staying in that negative mindset for hours, if not DAYS or even longer, like you did before. 

I’m also not saying that all you need to do is think positive and then everything will be perfect. While a positive mindset will definitely help, you also must do the PHYSICAL work of making your dreams a reality. If you want more money, you have to do the work of asking for it and creating things people want to give you money for. If you want to lose weight, you have to do the work of exercising. If you want to grow your email list, you have to do the work of designing an offer people would give you their email address in exchange for. 

You have to ACT. 

And it has to be a strategized action as well, meaning you’re taking that action not just because it will kill some time, but because it will produce some kind of result that you want. 

But before you can even do that, you have to be in the right MINDSET for that, otherwise you’re just gona appear desperate and maybe even FEEL desperate, and that will do more to hurt you than to help you. 

So to really make this easy to understand (hopefully!), this is what you need to do each day in order to start seeing things work out perfectly for you:

  • Make your first thought of the day a positive one
  • Make your first activity of the day a positive one (mine is coffee + journaling)
  • Decide how you want your day to go 
  • Decide how you want to feel 
  • Declare that your day WILL go that way and you WILL feel that way
  • Take the inspired actions that come from those declarations (often when you make a declaration, you get inspired thoughts and ideas, which is what you want to act on)

It’s not difficult, but it is a commitment. It’s something you have to remember to do every single day until it becomes a habit (and even then, you’ll likely still have to remind yourself from time to time). 

The bad news? It doesn’t happen overnight and results won’t be instant.
The good news? It WILL happen and the results will be incredible. 

It’s worth the time, the mindset shift, and the determination to make this a priority.