5 Obvious Reasons You Need a Business Coach

5 Obvious Reasons You Need a Business Coach

Everyone is a coach these days. There are life coaches, coaches for health, coaches for weight loss, coaches for spirituality, coaches for relationships, coaching for business - just about anything you can think of, there’s a coach for it.

And this is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, I’d argue that it’s a good thing. The reason why is because when you hire someone that has a specific skill set, that can help you in a certain area of your life, it’s better (and faster) than trying to do that on your own.

Which is why I wanted to talk a bit about business coaches today and why I truly believe that if you’re in business, you need a business coach.

1. You want to achieve your goals quicker
Want to make $10k a month by next month? Hire a coach. Want to make $50k in the next few months? Hire a coach. Want to land more clients, faster? Hire a coach. You get where I’m going with this.

Hiring a coach that’s already walked in your shoes is going to get you where you want to go in your business a lot quicker than trying to figure everything out on your own. They’ve already been where you are now, and they can give you the shortcuts to success.

2. You want to make a lot of money
Sure, you can learn to make a lot of money on your own, but again, this is something that takes time and involves you spending a lot of it researching the best ways for you to make the big bucks.

Working with a coach will allow you to speak one-on-one with someone that has experience building wealth online, and they can help you make decisions on monetization quickly, since they already know firsthand which strategies will work and which will not.

3. You need the accountability and support
If you’re really good at coming up with amazing business ideas, but terrible at following through and actually getting them done, a coach is going to be of extreme help to you.

One of the best things about having your very own one-on-one coach, is having someone there for you always. Someone who will not only kick you in the ass if you aren’t getting your work done, but also, someone who sympathizes with your struggles.

4. You need help seeing the forest through the trees
A coach will help you to see the future. To prepare your business for the long haul. Instead of simply helping you with a small task, a coach is your cheerleader, your confidant and your biggest fan - they WANT you to succeed.

They will help you decide on a long-term plan for your business, will determine the best strategies for getting you where you want to go, and will make sure you are focused on getting done what needs to get done.

5. You need someone’s input when problems arise
Problems in your business are inevitable. They will happen, and they will likely happen pretty often. How you deal with these problems is the deciding factor in whether or not your business will be a success.

When you’re working with a coach, these problems become easier to deal with because you have someone that can walk you through the problem and come up with a plan for making it go away, pronto. Don’t stress yourself out trying to fix a problem on your own - hire a coach and get rid of that problem quickly and with more ease.

As you can see, there are many valid reasons to get a coach. Take a look at senior executives, professionals and celebrities for example - many of them wouldn’t be where they are today without a coach of some sort.

Coaches make your life easier, they help you build a big business faster and they are genuinely interested in seeing you succeed. If there’s anything you invest in for your business - let it be a business coach. I promise that it will be worth every penny.

Do you have a business coach or do you plan to hire one soon?


  1. Jeanette

    I read a lot about it cause I am new to my little business as a graphic designer and there is a lot to think about and it can be overwhelming for a person like me who also have a normal job:)

    But I have not understand yet how the process work to work with a business coach so I have not took the step yet:)

  2. Jennifer Trask

    Wooooo Hooooo! Great post Cassie! Coaches are amazing people who make a world of difference and if you have a business, you should most definitely have a coach! It’s so important to have a team player on your side. Love this!!

  3. Sweatpants CEO

    I honestly don’t know how one can function without a business coach, especially when you are in business for yourself by yourself! I have been so grateful for the coaches in my life and they all bring a different set of skills and perspective to the table. Coaching women in business is a huge passion of mine and I love to work with a good coach myself.


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