10 Daily Activities You NEED To Be Doing If You Want To Hit Your 2017 Goals

10 Daily Activities You NEED To Be Doing If You Want To Hit Your 2017 Goals

I love the energy this time of year! I love seeing people setting goals, intentions and really putting their stake in the ground of what they want in life.

Even though I think it’s important to set goals all throughout the year and not just the first of January, there’s something to be said about the energy that’s around during this time of year and ONLY this time of year.

We’re simply more excited because of all that’s possible for an entire YEAR! So the vibe is high, and the energy is something you really want to soak up and really take advantage of!

Have you set goals for yourself this year?

Do you have a plan to attain them?

Or are they merely just WISHES you hope will come true?

While I don’t necessarily believe that you need a step-by-step action plan to achieve a goal (because there are so many uncertainties in life, but also, because that’s just not a fun way to live your life!), I whole-heartedely agree that you need to do more than just set a few goals and then cross your fingers everything works out in your favour.


In order to execute every day, you must be focused on SUCCESS in all areas, but especially the areas in which you want to improve. That could be money, business, health, relationships, lifestyle, whatever – 

And success is a habit

True success comes down to what you do, day in and day out, on repeat.
True success comes down to knowing what you want and the type of person you need to be to get it.
True success comes down to treating your success as your DUTY instead of a “nice-to-have”.

I realized that the more I focused on success, the more successful I become. Instead of HOPING that “one day” I’d be super rich and living the life I want, I made a concious decision that I was going after exactly that (with more specific goals, of course).

So again I say – 

Success is a habit.

It’s what you do on a daily basis that determines your future.

If you want to lose weight, but eat like crap 5 days of the week and only exercise on the weekend, you’re gonna have a hard time shedding the pounds.
If you want to improve your relationship with your partner, but don’t take the time to connect with them on a daily basis, this goal is pretty much pointless.
If you want to make more money in your business, but don’t do the work necessary to put yourself out there and attract your ideal clients, your money won’t grow much at all.


You MUST treat success as a MUST-DO item on your task list. It’s more important than ANYTHING else. If you’re not laser-focused on success, and instilling daily habits that CREATE success, you’re done. You can set all the goals you want, but you won’t achieve them if you don’t have success on the brain at ALL times.

You must be doing things DAILY, on repeat, that make it near-impossible for you to NOT be successful! Success is then achieved in more areas than you could have ever imagined!


These are the top 10 activities you NEED to be doing if you want to CRUSH your goals every time:

#1 - Treat success as your DUTY. You owe it to yourself, your family, and your team to be massively successful. Take full responsibility for your own success.

#2 - Show up daily and don’t back down. Ignore the advice from people who tell you to “go easy” and “don’t saturdate the market”. Visibility is key. Show up and be in the face of your ideal clients EVERY DAY.

#3 - Commit to improving yourself. Don’t be a know-it-all. Every one of us has more we can learn. Improve yourself daily. Read, take courses & programs, attend events, work with a mentor. Do what you need to do to ensure you’re ALWAYS learning more.

#4 - Treat your mindset as your #1 asset, because it is. Do something that will improve your mindset every day, whether that’s journaling, meditation, affirmations, or visualizing. Improve your mind, improve your life.

#5 - Surround yourself with the right people. Eliminate or cut back on relationships that aren’t serving you. Ensure you’re always surrounded by like-minded people that also crave success and support you in your goals and big vision.

#6 - Pay attention to your money. If you have debt, face it. Make a plan to pay it off. If you aren’t making as much money as you want, work harder, charge more, create more, and do what is necessary to increase your income. Whatever you do, don’t stick your head in the sand when it comes to your finances. Face the facts and plan for improvement always.

#7 - Do the “first things” first. Avoid starting your day with things that aren’t going to help you with your goal of success. This means playing on social media, reading your email, watching videos on YouTube, sending texts, or anything of the sort. Start your day with the “first things” (the tasks that will quickly put you on the path to success), such as mindset & money work, content creation and sales.

#8 - Stay in your own lane. Don’t compare yourself to others. You have no idea why they are where they are. They may seem as though they’re doing better than you, but you don’t know the whole story. Don’t copy them and do the exact things that they do. Congratulate them on their success and use their success as your motivation. If they can do it, so can you! But do it YOUR way, not theirs.

#9 - Trust your gut fully. When it comes to what you’re selling, how you’re selling, what you price your offers at, who you spend time with, what you participate in, how you show up, TRUST YOUR GUT. Not your head. Not your heart. And certainly not an outsider. Your gut never lies. If something seems like a bad idea and your gut is saying no, do NOT do it. On the other hand, if your gut is screaming YES!, you know you have to jump and DO IT.

#10 - Be consistent in everything you want to succeed at. Success doesn’t happen overnight, though I wish it did. You must put these habits into place and repeat, repeat, repeat, DAILY, until your goal is accomplished. Consistency is incredibly important. Get into the daily routine of doing the tasks that are going to help you find the success you want.

Are you willing to do what it takes to succeed?

Do you KNOW, without a doubt, that you were born for more? 

Can I share something with you?

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!