You don’t have to choose. You can have EVERYTHING!

You don’t have to choose. You can have EVERYTHING!

I used to think that in order to have one thing that I wanted, I couldn’t have something else.

So if I wanted to be rich, I couldn’t have freedom.

If I wanted to be super fit and healthy, I couldn’t eat the foods I wanted.

If I wanted to be a great mom, I couldn’t have a successful business.

I had to give something up in order to receive something else, or so I thought

But how fucking ridiculous is that? How selfish of you to think that you CAN’T have it all! How arrogant! How vain!

It’s not all about you – 

Except it is and it can be, if you decide so.

This all comes down to one of my favorite sayings of my own – 

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want.

How? By making the decision that it is so.

When we were kids, we were often told that we couldn’t have the things we wanted, over and over again we were told “no”, or “not right now” or “maybe later (but probably not”, so no wonder that as adults we feel as though we can’t have everything we want in life.

But this is a flawed belief. 

Only the truly successful know, without a doubt, that they can have EVERYTHING they want and more. 

I have an exercise for you to do today. Please take the time to do it, as it can most certaintly change your life!

First, get out a pen & paper and write down 10 things you want to receive in 2017. These could be physical items, or otherwise. Don’t just put “nice-to-have’s” on the list, but things you really, REALLY want to have. 

Second, go back through your list and for each thing on it, write down 3 limiting beliefs you have around receiving the item in question.

Third, for each limiting belief, counter with a positive belief. For example, let’s say one thing you want is a new car. One of your limiting beliefs is “it’s not practical” (maybe it’s a sports car and you have a bunch of small kids). A positive belief could then be “it’s perfect for me & my personality”. Do this for each limiting belief, even if you don’t necessarily believe the positive belief straight away.

Fourth, write out your 10 things again, but this time, write them out as if they’re already yours and how you feel. For example, “I own and drive a super sexy ______ (vehicle of your choice). It makes me feel ________ when I drive it!”.

Fifth, re-write your list of 10 things (as if you already have them & how you feel) EVERY SINGLE DAY, until they become your reality.

This is manifestation work that actually gets you what you want, and it works for ANYTHING – 

- Physical items you want
- Relationships (new ones of improving current ones)
- Health & wellness
- Your money & business
- How you feel and act every day
- Your lifestyle as a whole

Truly, this is the #1 way I have been able to have what I want in the last 2 years, including traveling first class, buying my dream vehicle, improving relationships, donating to my favorite charities regularly, hitting half a million in CASH in 1 year, working with soulmate clients that I love, and SO much more. 

I learned awhile ago that I really can have it all, as long as I’m willing to ask for it, believe it’s already mine, and take aligned action every single day to ensure it becomes true and manifests right in front of me.

I’m telling you right now that you don’t have to choose between one want and another want. You CAN have everything!

Get out of your head, get out of your own way, and allow yourself to ask for what you really want (and then go out there and GET IT!).

Why would you want anything less?

You need to accept the fact that YOU create your reality.
YOU decide what you can and can’t have.
YOU decide whether you struggle or you thrive.

Don’t you get it? 

It’s not up to me, or your partner, or the government, or your parents, whether or not you have what you want.

It’s up to you! 

And really – 

This is the BEST GIFT you could ever have received. Just being born allowed you the opportunity to create your own life. Take advantage! Stop accepting less because you think that’s all you’re “allowed” to have.

Everyone on earth can have the exact things they want – 

The problem is they don’t believe so, and thus, don’t take the action to attain what it is they want.

But you now know better. You CAN and you WILL have what you want, regardless of what you previously thought. Regardless of what others have told you, regardless of the warnings you will receive around how it “can’t be done” – 

It WILL be done. You have decided so! And so it is. 🙂

Don’t forget, – 

You really, and truly, can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!