What the hell happened to your FIRE?

What the hell happened to your FIRE?

Can I ask you a question? WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOUR FIRE?  You know, the one that burned so strongly inside of you that you would do whatever it took? The one that made you forget about anything else but your passion, your dream, your desires? The one that got you out of bed in the morning, eager to GET GOING and making progress toward your goals? Your FIRE is fading.. and fading fast. What’s happening? What’s going on? Why on EARTH are you slowing down? You were so damn close and then you got… What? Lazy? Tired? Frustrated? Or maybe you decided that you needed a BREAK and so off you want on a little vacay that lasted 2 weeks and – NOW I’M BACK, you say, but you.. You just aren’t. You haven’t been “here” for awhile now, even when you’ve physically been present. Your dreams are DYING. Your passion is DWINDLING. Your confidence is SHATTERED. And you KNOW this, of course, but you don’t wanna fully believe it, do you? You don’t wanna admit that, maybe.. just maybe.. you fucked it all up again. Again again again, you go, setting big goals, gettin’ all RAH RAH RAH, THIS IS IT, I’M BACK BITCHES, AND THIS IS MY TIME.. then.. Almost like clockwork… You’re gone again. Your work feels boring.  Sales have dried up.  Clients arefew & far between. You’re feeling exhaused. Fed up. Frustrated beyond belief.. and you wonder: This again? Really? YES. THIS AGAIN. You’ve lost your fire. You’ve forgotten who you ARE. And so OF COURSE things stop working. OF COURSE things don’t...