The one thing other coaches won’t tell you about “working smarter” (but I will)

The one thing other coaches won’t tell you about “working smarter” (but I will)

Question for you.

When you don’t know how to make things happen in your business, who do you ask?
Your mentor?
Do you scour the internet for some type of training that will finally get you the damn clarity you’re searching for?

Or do you just decide?

I’ve always believed in trusting your gut, in doing what just feels like the right thing to do. 

I never ask myself “what should I do?”, I don’t ask anyone for their opinions, I don’t even usually ask for feedback most of the time. I just DO.


If you can’t figure out what to do, just TRY SOMETHING! Although I do believe in the power of having a mentor by your side, I believe even more in just doing whatever the hell you want to do. Ignore the rules, ignore what everyone else is doing, what they all say is “right”. 

There are only a few people on this planet that I take advice from, and even their advice doesn’t truly MATTER if I don’t feel like the advice they’re giving is what I was thinking about doing anyway.

Never having someone hold my hand, not letting them, fuck being LED by anyone. I’m a rebel, and I’m also a bit of a know it all bitch that will do whatever the fuck I want to do, regardless of what you say, think, or WANT me to do.

Let’s be real here. I don’t play by the rules, ever. Don’t care who’s sharing them with me, I always do what I want. BUT – 

Having a mentor has changed things for me HUGE. Not because they tell me what to do, but because they support me, they push me - hard, they hold me accountable, and they make sure I get things done, the things that matter. 

I’m not to be bossed around, that would set me OFF! And not in a good way, that’s for sure. But I’d be lost without someone looking over my shoulder, spying on me, calling me out on my crap!

Being a mega procrastinator, always leaving things until the last minute, I LIKE not knowing what to do next. I LOVE the uncertainty, the fear, the chaos. Can’t get enough of it. 

I just love this game.

And I honestly don’t believe you can hack it as an entrepreneur if you DON’T love the game. Sure, you can do alright if you really try. You can be moderately successful. But you can’t, you won’t, it’s impossible, to GO BIG, if you’re not completely ENAMOURED by the process (the stress, the hustle, the sleepless nights and crazy long days).

It’s not all fun. In fact, most of it isn’t fun. But it’s ALL, and I mean 100% ALL OF IT, is absolutely necessary. 

I know, deep down, that I didn’t get to where I am because I got lucky. I got to where I am (and I’m not even anywhere CLOSE to where I’m going!) because I DO all of it, I LOVE all of it, and I don’t back down. 

I don’t feel sorry for myself when things don’t go according to plan (which happens a lot).
I don’t let myself get upset about things that I have no control over.
I don’t stress the fuck out if money isn’t coming in as quickly as I want it to.

I just buckle down and work HARDER.

The whole “work smarter, not harder” is fucking bullshit. Working smarter = working harder. It’s simple: the person who works more, who shows up more, is going to be more successful. I hate to burst your bubble, but if you’re looking for a way to work less, and at the same time you’re saying that you want the money, the fancy lifestyle, the travel and luxury, then you’re fucked.

I’ll be straight with you - if you’re happy making $100K a year (or even less), you don’t want the big things in life, you’re conent with that, then sure, you can find some ways to work less and still make that $100K. But if you’re looking for the BLING, the badass luxury lifestyle, then you better buck up and forget about ever working less again. Get used to working more. 

Out-work everyone around you and you will out-earn them all. Like it or not, that’s a fact.