I used to think I had it all figured out.

That all I needed to succeed in any area of my life was a step-by-step, fail-proof plan, and the will power to follow through.

And while the will power is absolutely necessary, I learned that the “plan” most certainly is NOT. 

I mean, yeah – 

It CAN help. But it is certainly not the end all, be all. And I think it’s helpful to create SOME type of a plan to achieve something you want to achieve. But the plan is not going to do the work for you. Because sometimes (most times), the plan is not the plan.

In other words:


Allow the uncertainty of “how the fuck am I gonna make this happen” to be present. The “how” doesn’t matter anyway, and it very rarely presents itself until the exact moment you need it. So stop trying to plan HOW you’re going to do things and instead focus on – 

The WHAT (what the hell do you want?)
The WHY (why exactly do you want it?)
The WHEN (when do you want to have it by?)

Those are the only things that matter. 

Now most people, when they decide that they want something, this is what they do: they try to plan out exactly how they’re gonna get it. And while the idea kind of makes sense in a way, because you can’t just say “I want a million dollars” and then sit on your ass and wait for it to magically appear in your bank account – 

It’s not really logical to only have a plan and nothing else to go on.

You do need SOME type of plan! But what you don’t need is a step-by-freaking-step blueprint for exactly how to achieve something. Why? Because the first plan rarely ever works out exactly the way it’s “supposed” to. You need to know what you’re aiming for, have a ROUGH idea of how you COULD possibly get there, and then you simply need belief, space, and trust.

The HOW will present itself at the right moment, once you fully believe and trust in the process. Never before that.

You can plan and plan and plan, until your eyes start to bleed and your wrist is in agony from writing so much, but I promise you that your plan will never work out exactly as you expect or want it to. So why waste your time and energy on it?

Plus, when you try to plan everything – 

Every last detail – 

You don’t leave any space in your mind for something better. For a new plan that may possibly give you a better chance of winning and getting the results you want. You must allow the plan to change, because it will, and often for your benefit.

You have to believe.
You have to trust.
And from THAT space, you need to take action.

Not “following the plan” action, but ALIGNED action. Action that comes from those inspired thoughts you get throughout the day. The thoughts where you go “HOLY SHIT, THIS IS AN AMAZING IDEA!” to yourself.

If you aren’t having inspired thoughts, then you’ve clearly filled your head with too many to-dos and aren’t leaving any space for creativity. You are blocking yourself from success, because there’s no space for those inspired thoughts - the thoughts that allow you to take aligned action and get results - to come through!

Clarity > Belief > Inspired Thoughts > Aligned Action

That’s the method for creating results in your life and business. Not a fucking PLAN.

Don’t forget – 

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take (aligned) action now!