What to do when you don’t know what do to

What to do when you don’t know what do to

When the light goes out, only you can turn it back on.

You can’t wait for someone else to do it for you, or you may be waiting a long freaking time.

And the thing is – 

The light? It will often go out. It will disguise itself as fear, and confusion, and overwhelm and lack, and scarcity, and doubt, and everything in between, and it will turn out your light. Your light of passion, of dominance, of getting shit done, changing lives and creating a life you love

In other words – 

The thoughts in your head? 

They will challenge you.
They will confuse you. 
They will scare you. 
They will frustrate you.
They will excite you. 
They will give you confidence.
They will hold you back.

The thing about mindset work, is that it’s ALWAYS gonna be there. You always have to focus on it. You always have to make a conscious decision to improve your mindset every single day. Because if you don’t, the light will go out. And you won’t know how the fuck to turn it back on again and make things better.

And so you will wallow in self-pity. 

You will cry yourself to sleep at night because shit isn’t going the way you want it to. 

You will go back and forth around what you should do to make things better again. 

Instead of getting right to the root of the problem - your mindset - and fixing it

Learn how to turn the light back on. Learn how to take a bad situation and make it better. Learn how to take your mindset of doubt, and fear, and lack, and turn it into one of abundance and success.

Fall in love with your dream again.

What do you really want? Why does it mean so much to you? And how do you take THAT dream and make it a reality? What is the first step? I’ll tell you – 

It’s BELIEVING that you can have what it is that you want!

It’s BELIEVING that this dream of yours is meant for you.

It’s BELIEVING that you have what it takes to get it!

And then it’s commiting to do the work to get it. And that work includes working on your damn MIND. This is one of those things that SO MANY people try to avoid doing. It’s too weird, they don’t have enough time, they don’t know how to do it “right”, they think it’s a waste of their energy, and so they go out there and try to make their dreams come true, but it




Because let me tell you one thing I’ve learned. If your mindset isn’t your #1 priority in your life over EVERYTHING else, you will NOT succeed. You will fail over and over and over again, and you will wonder why. You will beat yourself up. The light will go out. You will ALWAYS be in the dark. And at some point, you’ll have had enough and you’ll quit on your dreams. Because they no longer seem possible.

All because you didn’t TRAIN YOUR BRAIN and do that work daily. 

All because you gave up on YOU. 

All because you were too damn stubborn to make a change.

There are 3 important things you need to focus on every day if you want to create & grow a business that serves others AND serves you in giving you the life you want, and those 3 things are – 

  1. Mindset 
  2. Messaging/Content
  3. Marketing/Sales

3 things. NON-NEGOTIABLE. If you do nothing else, these 3 things must be done every single day. So, why aren’t you doing them - consistently? Why aren’t you making them a priority? 

Maybe you don’t know how.
Maybe you think you ARE doing those things (where are the results you wanted, then?).
Maybe you feel as though you don’t have the time.

It’s simple: 

You’re either getting results (money in the bank, clients, testimonials from people you’ve helped, a large following/community) or you’re not. 

And if you’re not, you need to go back to the list of 3 things above and focus even HARDER on them. You need to eliminate everything from your to-do list that doesn’t align with those 3 tasks. I can tell you from over 11 years in online business and over a million dollars in cash (in the last 3 years), that NOTHING is more important than those 3 tasks.

Are there other things you should be spending your time on? Sure. I have a list of 20+ things to tackle most days. But it all comes AFTER I get my top 3 done. Because even if only those 3 things get done, I’m still doing the 2 most important things: making and impact (by messaging/content) and making money (by marketing/selling).

I know just how crucial it is to stay on task with those 3 things. I’ve fallen of the bandwagon a few times and spent my time on things that others told me were important: growing my email list, making sure I have a decent website, giving free value on social media – 

And while those things ARE important, they are nowhere near as important as mindset, messaging and marketing. Not even close. So I was never able to hit my goals or even ENJOY my business.

I wasted a lot of time on the things I thought were important, and very little time (if any at all) on the things that actually WERE. And I see you doing the same. So I’m here to get all up in your face about it and tell you to 


Take a breath

Take a moment

And don’t do a damn thing else until you first get to your top 3 must-dos (mindset, messaging, and marketing, if you haven’t been paying attention!).

This is how you turn the light back on when things go dark. When things get scary. When you get overwhelmed and frustrated. You focus on these 3 things. And most importantly, you keep your mindset in check

Because when your mindset is out of whack, so is everything else.