6 ways to avoid having a bad day

6 ways to avoid having a bad day

Every day I hear someone complaining about SOMETHING. 

This day is shit
My life is shit
The world has gon to shit!

And OMG why can’t I just have what I want and be happy?

Well, I’ll tell you why – 

Because you aren’t sending out the right vibes. 🙂 

So what you’re having a bad day? We all have bad days. That doesn’t mean we need to let them ruin us. One bad day can lead to 100 bad days can lead to 1,000 bad days in a ROW – 

If you let those thoughts win.

Don’t ever forget that you’re the only person who gets to decide how your life is going to go. 

You can choose to be all “woe is me” and “my life sucks” OR – 

You can be “I am the fucking shit and only amazing things happen for me!“.

I’d tell you which one I choose daily, but I think it’s quite obvious, right? 

That being said – 

Yes, you are going to have bad days every once in awhile. That’s called being human. You can’t escape this. But you absolutely CAN limit the number of bad days that you have. You can simply brainwash yourself into believing that you will NEVER again have a bad day, and just by doing this one simple thing, you will severely limit the number of bad days you have. 

Sounds pretty good, right?

Here are a few more ideas, for those times when the brainwashing just ain’t happening – 


Like I said, you can’t eliminate bad days from your life, but you can definitely LIMIT them by a ton. So let’s focus on avoiding as many bad days as possible, shall we?

#1. Give more. 

Give of yourself. 
Give of your talents.
Give of your time.
Give of your money.
Give of your posessions.

Just give. It’s impossible to have a shitt day when you know you’ve helped someone less fortunate.

#2. Create more. 

The more you allow yourself to create from the heart, to write and speak and CREATE the stuff you know that your audience needs, but more importantly, that YOU need to release, the happier you will be. 

What do you really need to say? What really MUST come out? Say it. Say it loud and don’t be afraid of offending anyone. You’ll offend yourself by keeping quiet. 

Please remember that you really can change the world with your words. Speak up, say what you KNOW needs to be said, what you really feel called to say in each and every moment. When you do, you feel this strong feeling of RELEASE. And if feels good to release (I often need to take a nap or just sit/lie quietly for a short while after creating, as it drains me emotionally - in a good way. That’s the sign of TRULY letting out what needed to come out and only positive things can come from that!

#3. Avoid negative people.

I mean, come on. Do I really have to say this? (Yes I do, apparently.)

The more time you spend with negative people, the more negative you will become. And the more negative you become, the more likely your chances of having a bad day. 

So here’s some real simple advice that is SO simple I kind of feel stupid even saying: STOP HANGING OUT WITH PEOPLE THAT ARE NEGATIVE. 

Find a positive group of people, online AND off, and surround yourself with them only. Avoid the negatve ones at all costs, with the mindset that if you get too close to them, they will infect you with a life-threatening disease (which is pretty much true, seeing as how negativity IS a disease!).

#4. Flex your NO muscles. 

In order for you to say YES to the things that you love, that really light you up and that make you feel good emotionally (and physically), you need to get better at saying NO to the things that don’t/won’t. Flex those NO muscles!

Just like the muscles in your body, they get stronger the more you use them.

Turn down every event, phone call, connection, purchase, and person that you know is not worthy of your time. This is not being an arrogant bitch, it’s being a smart person who knows her worth and knows that in order to be of service to her community and herself, she has to spend her time on the things that matter most to her. 

Saying no to one opportunity that isn’t a complete HELL YES, leaves you open for the time when those HELL YES opportunities finally present themselves.

#5. Become a master at self-care.

Just admit it: One thing you’re really bad at is practicing self-care every day. 

You are letting the problems and demands of others dictate how you spend the 24 hours in your day. 

Here’s a remedy for that: Just STOP. Seriously. YOU come before anyone. Before your kids, before your clients, before your partner, before EVERYONE. You can’t drink from an empty cup, as they say! 

Spend at least (AT LEAST!) an hour a day by yourself, doing things for yourself. That could be journaling, it could be exercise, it could even be a full-on spa day. Take yourself out for lunch, buy yourself a new book or pair of shoes or t-shirt that you love. Spoil yourself. 

Read. Take longer showers/baths. Get massages. 

Whatever you do, take time for you EVERY SINGLE DAY. The only way to be truly present for those you care for (your family, your clients, etc.), you need to be fully present for yourself FIRST.

#6. Read more.

Get into the habit of reading every single day, even if all you can read is a single chapter.

Reading helps you to be more creative, teaches you all kinds of new things (even reading fiction!), takes you away from the reality of the day-to-day, if only for a little while (which is necessary sometimes!), and also helps to improve your communication and literacy skills.

I recommend reading A TON of self-help books (and actually implementing what you learn) and also reading fiction that takes you away to another land. 🙂 I often have both a fiction book and a self-help book on the go at all times. 

And for fuck’s sake, stop reading books that suck! If you start reading a book and just totally can’t get into it and aren’t really loving it, get rid of it and start reading something new. There are SO many books available to you that you shouldn’t be wasting your times on awful ones! 

Know this: 

Once you stop with the bullshit in your life, it’s near impossible to have a bad day. And when you DO have one, it’s easy to recover from quite quickly. 

Stop. Take a breath. Take a look at what you’re doing right now and ask yourself: 

“Am I selfishly allowing myself to have more bad days than I should?” 

Because that’s what it really comes down to: Are you convincing yourself that bad days are normal? Because if so, you’ll continue to have them. 

Get out the “life is shit, this is too hard, why can’t I just be happy?” mindset and start doing things every day that will actually get you to where you want to go, with very, VERY few bad days along the way. 

Don’t forget – 

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. So long as you take action on your goals NOW.