The choice has always been yours. What will 2017 look like for you?

The choice has always been yours. What will 2017 look like for you?

I’ve noticed that every year, there is a new wave of “entrepreneurs” that come onto the scene. They watch everyone around them, they copy or imitate others that are successful. They refuse to invest in themselves. Their work is half-assed and often regurgitated content from someone else that they put a slight spin on. 

They are trying to succeed in a world they weren’t designed to be in. And after a year (or less), most of them fade away. Disappear. And a new wave takes their place. I’ve already seen a bunch of people walk away that, in the beginning of 2016, told me they were going to “crush it beyond belief” this year.

Some people are simply not cut out for this world. Harsh, but true. 

But let’s be real: 

If you ARE cut out for it, you do whatever the fuck it takes to succeed. You don’t give up. You REFUSE to give up. You get knocked down time and time again and you get the fuck back up and keep going. Because you know that deep down, this is what you were BORN to do.

Everything you do is a choice. 

You have a choice to get up in the morning and bust your ass for your dreams.
Or not.

You have a choice to work side by side with amazing mentors, clients and collegues. 
Or not.

You have a choice to show up and be FULLY present in your life each day.
Or not.

You get to make the choice. No one else. You may THINK that others occassionally have the upper hand (government, teachers, parents), but the truth is - they don’t. In the end, YOU get to make whatever choice you want to make. I’m not saying it will be a good choice, or the right choice, but you DO get to make whatever choice you want to.

Please – 

Stop letting others dictate your moves. 
Stop letting others tell you how to live your life.
Stop letting others make choices FOR you.

Just STOP.

Take back the control and do things YOU way
Bacause it’s the ONLY way

The only way you will succeed fully
The only way you will be truly happy
The only way you can show up as you
The only way you will get exactly what you want

Admit it – 

Right now, you’re treading water. You’re doing what you think you SHOULD be doing, but getting nowhere fast. 2016 hasn’t been what you thought it would be. You had SUCH big dreams and goals at the beginning of the year and you’re so far from hitting them, you wonder: WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?

And you’re blaming others
The media
Your family
Your friends

You had obstacles come up
Deaths and sicknesses
Divorce or separation or simply FIGHTS GALORE
“Personal issues”

You had EXCUSES. And you let those excuses stop you from doing what you needed to do. 

You let them sway you
You let them convince you that it didn’t matter
You let them control you

And look what happened.

Can you really say that right now you’re happy with how things turned out this year? Are you 100% satisfied? Are you proud of yourself? Do you wish you could have done MORE? 

Whatever the answer, know that what HAS happened and what HASN’T, is because of the choices you made. 

You can choose to do the work, or avoid it
You can choose to complain like a little bitch, or make the best of every situation
You can choose to hustle your fucking heart out, or do the bare minimum
You can choose to be the best, or be mediocre
You can choose to step up your game, or stay where you are


You ALWAYS get to choose. 

This year? It’s all on you. Take some fucking responsibility! And make the decision that 2017 will be better. That this won’t be just another year. You will NOT get to the end of 2017 and wonder what the hell happened and why you’re still in the same place you are today. 

You WILL succeed
You WILL smash your goals
You WILL hustle like you mean it
You WILL get the results
You WILL achieve what you want to achieve
You WILL be the best
You WILL live the VIP life
You WILL have everything you want

You are gonna blow 2017 out of the water. This WILL be your best year yet! 

This IS your time. This IS your year. 

For real this time.

You commit to stand up and do the work
You commit to be who you need to be
You commit to rid yourself of destructive behaviours
You commit to change lives with your words
You commit to put your money where your mouth is
You commit to have it all
You commit to have it all

There’s no stopping you now. No one can stand in your way. You’ve made up your mind that no one makes decisions for you; that YOU call the shots. That YOU will have what you want, regardless of those who think your dreams are crazy, too big, irresponsible, or simply INSANE.

Am I right?

Are you ready to really, TRULY, have your BEST YEAR YET?

Is 2017 ACTUALLY gonna be your year?

You decide. The choice is yours. What’s it gonna be?

Don’t forget – 

You really can be, do, and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!