I don’t know why I’m writing about fear today.

I guess I have some fears of my own to let go of. 

I just know that it’s a topic someone else out there needs to hear right now, at this very moment. Maybe it’s you. Maybe right now you’re struggling with a MASSIVE fear and it’s holding you back from doing what you know you need to do to find the success you long for.

I remember back when I started my coaching business, less than 2 years ago (seems like I’ve been doing this forever!). I was terrified.

I didn’t know what the hell I was doing or whether or not it would be a huge failure and waste of time.

I knew a LOT about business, after being in business over a decade, it was just part of my life and something I was strong in. But coaching? I’d never worked with anyone privately before. The extend of my coaching on business was a few blog posts on how to make money blogging!

But I knew in my gut I HAD to do it

I knew this was my calling.

I knew this was IT.

I’d been searching for years to find my “thing”. That one thing that woke me up every morning and kept me up every night. That one thing I was so passionate about I’d do it for free the rest of my life! 

So when the idea of business coaching was run by me, I felt in my gut that THIS is what I was searching for. 

But I was scared. However, if you’re a true entrepreneur, you understand when I say that I didn’bust let the fear stop me. I jumped in with both feet and crossed my fingers I wasn’t gonna fuck it all up.

I didn’t allow that fear to stop me from taking action. From doing what I knew I needed to do to be truly happy AND successful. 

And now I’m grateful to have a thriving business, over $750,000 in cash received, working with THE BEST clients I could have ever hoped for. I’m now able to – 

  • Donate to my favorite charities monthly
  • Live the VIP lifestyle I’ve always dreamed of
  • Take care of my family without sacrificing one thing for another
  • Make large investments in my business, my health, and my life
  • Travel the world with family and friends
  • Do work that I am absolutely crazy passionate about
  • Work with amazing women around the globe

I could go on and on. I am truly living my dream life. Doing the work I know I was born to do. 

All because I gave fear the finger and did what I knew in my heart was right. I took a chance on me, and it paid off, as it often does!

I still get fears (whenever I’m making a big investment, when I’m trying something new, when I’m speaking my mind on something that could be controversial), but I never let those fears stop me from taking action. Because I know that when I trust my gut and do what it tells me is necessary to do, I am always rewarded in some way. 

Let me tell you something I’ve learned: 

You are bigger than your fears. 
You can fight them.
You can push past them.
You can WIN! 

Your fear does not define you. Lack of action does. 

Can I tell you something else?

Every time you face your fears and take action, you will be rewarded in some way. Fear is scary, fear can be debilitating, but fear should not be accepted. Don’t live your life in fear, unless you’re comfortable staying exactly where you are forever. 

If you want to grow, if you want to enjoy a bigger and better life? Then remember this: 


It’s the only way to really win and succeed at life. 🙂

A lot of the time, our fears are silly. They don’t make much sense. So it’s important to not just ignore your fears, but understand them and then let them go by facing them head on.

One exercise I do when I have a fear come up is this – 

>> Get out your journal
>> Open it up and write “Why is ____ freaking me out?” or “Why am I afraid to _____?”
>> Write down whatever comes up for you (keep writing until you have nothing left to say)
>> Explore each “reason” that you’re fearful by asking yourself “What’s the worst that can happen if that happens?”
>> For each time you ask that question, ask THIS question next: “Is that REALLY so bad?”
>> Most of the time, the answer is no, in which case, start listing out all of the GREAT things that will happen if you DO face this fear and take action

You know you were born to do big things
You know you were put on this earth to make a difference
You know that this is your calling

Am I right?

Are you willing to do what it takes to succeed? 

Do you know, without a doubt, that you were born for more than you are receiving right now?

Are you tired of playing small, accepting less than you deserve, settling and ignoring those big dreams inside of you because you’re SCARED?

Time face your fears. All of them. Every last one. 

Your fears will not win
Your fears will not destroy you
Your fears will not hold you back

This, right now, is YOUR time. 

You won’t let anyone, especially yourself, stand in your way off succeeding!

Say it with me: 

“I am worthy of success!”
“I deserve more!”
“I will do what it takes!”

“I am worthy of success!”
“I deserve more!”
“I will do what it takes!”

“I am worthy of success!”
“I deserve more!”
“I will do what it takes!”

It’s your time to shine your light. This is your moment. This is your big opportunity to let go of all of the fears you’ve allowed to hold you back. This is your time to take action on the things that have scared you for far too long.

Do what’s scary
Do what’s hard
Do what’s uncertain

Be OBSESSED with your life
Be OBSESSED with what you need to do to succeed
Be OBSESSED with jumping into the unknown
Be OBSESSED with taking action
Be OBSESSED with doing whatever it takes

You’ve only got one life. And remember – 

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!