Do you BELIEVE or do you HOPE?

Do you BELIEVE or do you HOPE?

Something I’ve noticed about entrepreneurs is that they either BELIEVE or they HOPE. 

And the difference is that when you HOPE things will be great, when you HOPE things will get better and improve, they rarely do, because deep down, you don’t BELIEVE that it’s possible.

And so it’s important for you to spend time every day working on your mindset and visualizing everything you want to achieve in your life – 

Seeing it, as if it’s already manifested
Being there, in the moment, realizing all that you will have accomplished
Feeling, deep down, that you are ALIVE and excited about your life

You need to BELIEVE with everything you’ve got that you can achieve anything

Without that belief comes failure. And yes, there are going to be many failures that happen, but that’s a part of life. The more you fail, the more you succeed. You are going to fail your way to SUCCESS! But that won’t ever happen unless you have the right mindset.

I used to be one of those people that thought this “mindset stuff” was weird. My first coach was a mindset expert and she kept trying to get me to set up a mindset practice in my life and I kept refusing and just asked for help on marketing my business.

I thought she was a bit of a weirdo. But eventually I gave in and said I’d try doing some mindset work for a week, and what do you know? That shit worked.

And my business has never been the same.

Once I got a mindset routine in place and I started focusing on creating wealth and being happy doing the work I LOVED, that is EXACTLY what happened. I started signing on new clients that, just weeks earlier, I was struggling to find. I hosted dozens of discovery calls and I rarely heard a YES from anyone, but once my mindset practice was in place and I was doing it consistently, I started to hear the word YES more often than NO.

Now, with my goal of hitting $1 Million by the end of 2016, I have an even stronger mindset practice in place and to say it has improved the way I show up each day and make money, I really mean it. I’ve been able to generate upwards of $75,000 in one month from this mindset practice (and that number continues to climb).

A lot of times, you think that your offer sucks, or maybe you just don’t know how to sell, or it could be that you aren’t visible enough and you just need to post on Facebook and go on livestream more often – 

While yes, all of those things could be true, what I’ve found with most people is that what REALLY trips them up and stops them from making more money is that they don’t have a solid mindset practice in place (and if they do, it’s not working).

It doesn’t need to take much time, but you need to be willing to spend at least 30 minutes every single day working on your mindset. That still leaves you with 23 1/2 hours each day to do whatever the hell else you want to do. But those 30+ minutes need to be a nonfuckingnegotiable. 

Make the time to work on your mindset each day and I guarantee your business will blow up, sales will start flooding in and you’ll be able to reach and impact more and more people.