Stop questioning every little thing and just fucking do it! (Creating offers that sell)

Stop questioning every little thing and just fucking do it! (Creating offers that sell)

How many times have you sat down to write a blog post, or create content for your community, or put together a new offer - only to end up obsessing over every little detail, second-guessing yourself, and end up not doing anything at all.

If you answered “a lot”, you’re definitely not alone. Perfectionism and lack of confidence can be a real bitch.

But the thing is – 

If you are not regulary just throwing things out there, being open to criticism (it WILL happen from time to time), being willing to fail, you are going to go nowhere fast.

Meaning – 

The more you question every little thing you do, the less likely you are to make money.

I’ve worked with clients in the past that want me to hold their hand through EVERYTHING. They would message me every day (seriously), asking “did I do this right?” and “what do you think of this?” and although yes, I can answer those questions, YOU need to trust yourself, too. Instead of asking for my approval, ask for your OWN approval and then just tell me what you DID already. 😉

My role as a mentor is to help you with strategy, but more importantly, to kick your ass and make sure you get stuff done.

I do NOT allow my clients to be perfectionists. Perfectionism will KILL your productivity. 

  • Wondering why it takes you so long to write an email or blog post? You’re trying to make it perfect.
  • Wondering why you can’t seem to post on social media multiple times a day without feeling brain dead? You’re trying to make the posts perfect.
  • Wondering why you can’t seem to make more money? Your’e trying to make your offers perfect.

STOP trying to be perfect and just fucking do it!

Write an email.
Post on Facebook.
Promote a new offer.
Shoot a video.
Do a livestream.

Start making shit happen by avoiding perfectionism. 

When someone tells me they’re not making as much money as they want, and I ask them how many times they’re creating new offers and selling, they always tell me they either don’t sell much, or they’ve been selling the same boring thing for MONTHS. 

DUH! You’re never going to make more money if you don’t change the way you create offers and sell them. And trust me, promoting the same offer over and over again is a BAD strategy! 

I don’t feel sorry for you if you don’t know how to create & sell your offers, because you should have taken the initiave to LEARN, but I do feel sad because it cannot be easier, and if you only knew how to do it properly, you would be having FUN with it, and you’d be making way more.

But, I get it. You’re not ready yet.

You’re working on the content.
You still need to create a sales page.
You want to make sure it’s set up properly.

So maybe you’ll launch it next month. Or 6 months down the road. And in the meantime, you’ll bitch about how it’s so hard to make money.

Except it’s not hard. Create offer, launch offer right away, sell offer, make money, THEN create content. 


Are there strategies involved in creating a great offer? Absolutely.
Are there strategies involved in selling that great offer? Yep, there sure are.

But the MOST IMPORTANT thing is to stop second-guessing yourself and to just launch that sucker already! It’s not perfect now, it never WILL be perfect, and guess what – 

People will still buy!

They aren’t looking for perfect. They’re looking for an answer to their problems. 

They don’t care how nice your sales page looks (if you even have one at all).
They don’t care what kind of graphics and fonts you’re using.
They don’t care if you had a sales funnel/email sequence set up.
They don’t care if you did a bunch of free webinars before promoting it. 

All they care about is whether or not you can help them.

Remember: Your customers aren’t buying your offer, they’re buying YOU. So long as you’re showing up, being you unapologetically, and you’re constantly creating new content and offers that can help your community, selling to them will always be easy.

And the first step is to stop second guessing yourself and stop questioning every little (and big) thing. Just make a decision and then fucking follow through!