That one time I had $0 in the bank and felt like a failure…

That one time I had $0 in the bank and felt like a failure…

I’ve been an entrepreneur for almost 12 years. My last business was a lil’ ol coupon blog that I grew from a couple hundred visitors a day and very little money to 15,000 visitors a day and over $100,000 a year in revenue.


Running my blog was fun, but eventually my head just wasn’t in it anymore, I lost my interest in couponing and being frugal, and after having countless people ask me for advice on how they, too, could make $100,000 a year from their blog, I decided to turn to a new business - coaching.


I hired a team to manage my blog, and after paying them and all of my other expenses, I was left with $0 in the bank - but I knew deep down that this was the right thing for me to do.


I eventually found a business coach that I liked and I hired her in October of 2014. We worked together for a few months and I started offering my services as a blogging coach to the world in February 2015.


Unfortunately, I had my target audience (stay at home mom bloggers) completely wrong. None of them wanted to spend thousands of dollars on coaching. Not only that, but I realized that I really just did not love blogging anymore.


So of course - I didn’t get any clients in February because of this really big mistake of going after who I thought I was supposed to go after as potential clients.


I felt like a total failure.


But then - I changed my ideal client to simply women entrepreneurs instead of stay at home moms and I started marketing myself as a business coach instead of a blogging coach (being a successful entrepreneur for 12 years has taught be a thing or two about marketing!).


The next thing you know, I got my first client. Then another, than another, than another. By the end of 2015, I was completely booked solid with 1:1 clients and had earned $200,000 in cash (not sales, but cold, hard CASH).


I guess you could say I found my way.


If you’re feeling lost, confused and frustrated, please know that you can find your way, too.


Running a business that makes consistent income and keeps you happy is not always easy, but I can promise you that it is totally possible and absolutely worth the effort.


Keep pushing forward, keeping shooting for those stars. I believe in you.