Don’t fit the criteria? Expect to be IGNORED.

Don’t fit the criteria? Expect to be IGNORED.

I get really frustrated with people sometimes. Okay, a lot of the time. Okay, almost daily. 

Because most people just piss me the hell off. 

I wish I wasn’t this way… okay, so maybe I don’t… but deep down I believe I shouldn’t be this way, but I am, and honestly, I’m glad I am because being this way has gotten me this far, and I think that’s worked out quite well, so 🙂

Anyway – 

The reason most people piss me off is because they are not like me. And if you’re not like me, I really, TRULY, just don’t want to talk to you. I can’t fucking stand you. I think there’s something really wrong with you and if you get into my bubble somehow you will TAINT me, ruin me, turn me into YOU. And yes, that would be the worst thing ever. 

And maybe I’m being harsh, but I don’t think so, because the truth is that I have a particular type of person I like to engage with, and I believe it’s okay, and even a GOOD IDEA to avoid people who are NOT this person. 

The sad thing is that so many people have the qualities of the person I can’t stand. I’d say 9 out of every 10 people who read this are those people I can’t stand. 

The people who say they want something, but then fuck around and don’t do what’s necessary to have it. 
The people who say one thing and do another. 
The people who get annoyed by people who share their successes, instead of be happy for that person and see it as inspiration that they can have the same.
The people who are constantly negative, always worried about the worst-case scenario happening to them, always talking shit about others.
The people who think they’re the shit, but really.. are just NOT. 
The people who don’t commit to themselves and their dreams.
The people who are looking to be saved instead of saving themselves.

And it seems like sometimes the universe is testing me by putting a ton of these people in my path every once in awhile; making sure I eliminate them and that I’m SERIOUS about who I will and will not give my time and energy to

Somtimes I fail the test because fuck, I just want to help everyone! I just want everyone to GET IT. I just want everyone to be able to experience the things I’ve been able to experience over the last 2 years and what I know is yet to come. 

Sometimes I fail because I try to convince people to try something I know will help them, when they need to make that decision themselves. It just makes me so ANGRY that they’re fucking themselves over by letting an opportunity slip by. 

Sometimes I fail because I try to please everybody, instead of ignoring every single person that isn’t going to LISTEN, take advice, run with it, and get the fucking results. 

Sometimes I fail because I’m too nice instead of telling everyone except those who fit my description of a soulmate client to fuck the hell off and go find somewhere else to play.

Sometimes I fail because I don’t want to be seen as a selfish bitch. 

But –

I’m a selfish bitch.

I want what I want and I accept no less. I flat out REFUSE to let anyone in my circle that isn’t 100% commited to their success! 

I can’t tell you the number of times I come online, looking to inspire others and be inspired myself, and just end up getting frustrated and pissed off because some people are just fucking idiots and how the hell did they end up in my newsfeed and my inbox?! 

It’s funny, because I remember when I got into coaching around 2 years ago, I joined a few programs and worked with 1:1 coaches, and in those programs, I met some women that I was jealous of. I don’t know exactly why I was jealous of them, but I think deep down it was because I just somehow perceived they were better than me. 

But really, it was probably that I just didn’t believe in myself. And so I looked at these women in the programs (maybe 50 woman total, combined) and saw them as successful, even though they were just starting out like me, and were not any further ahead than I was when we all started.

And sometimes I look these women up to see where they’ve landed. Because I’m curious. 🙂 And most of them? Have disappeared. They clearly didn’t make it. A very small handful (I’d say around 5 women) are doing exceptionally well! And the rest are still around, some are even in THIS community. And they’re still pretty much at the same place as when they started those programs with me 2 years ago. They’ve barely progressed at all.

And this used to make me sad. 

This used to make me feel sorry for them and want to help them. 

But then I realized that by trying to help these women that clearly were NEVER going to get the results they wanted (otherwise they’d have fucking done it by now), I was just sabbotaging my own success because I was engaging in the energy of someone who was a damn pussy. 

Someone who didn’t have the stomach for this fast-pased, hustle all the time, push through the pain, fucking LOVE the damn pain, kind of life.

Someone who would have pulled me down with them, if I’d let that happen, which, I’d really have no control over once I was sucked into that energy – 

The energy of lack
The energy of “I’m waiting for the right moment to finally say YES to me” (meaning: never)
The energy of not being good enough
The energy of scarcity and fear
The energy of judging others that are doing better than oneself

Nope. No way in hell I’m participating in anything of the sort.

I’m proud to say that over the past 2 years, after putting in THOUSANDS of hours and tens of thousands of dollars, I have cultivated a success mindset that allows me to do what I want, say what I want, live what I want, make as much money as I want, and really, TRULY – 

Live life on my own terms.

I’ve invested in coaching
I’ve invested in programs
I’ve invested in self-improvement
I’ve invested in mentoring
I’ve invested in turning my fucking life around

I went from $0 in the bank to over $750,000 in less than 2 years, a community of 20,000+, a full 1:1 coaching practice, and living a VIP lifestyle that I love, all because I decided it was all meant for me, I commit to making it happen, I took risks, I made mistakes, I failed more often than I didn’t, I surrounded myself with people just like me, and kicked everyone else out of my life, I hired coach after coach after coach until I finally found the one that made my life improve 10x or more – 


Because I decided that I just woudn’t have it any other way.

I just won’t settle for less than what I know is possible for me, and you shouldn’t either. But I’m not going to try and convince you of that. You already believe that, or you don’t. And if you don’t, then I’m sorry, but we can’t be friends and I don’t want to ever talk to you. 

I REFUSE to give ANY of my valuable time and energy to anyone that isn’t willing to –

Invest in themselves. (If you give me ANY excuses as to why this can’t happen - lack of time, lack of money, lack of being able to commit - you’re written off in my little black book of PEOPLE TO IGNORE. If you’re not regularly investing tens of thousands of dollars to invest in becoming a better person and creating your dream life, by taking program after program to learn EVERYTHING you possibly can to improve your life, you are NOT a soulmate client of mine, you are not a friend of mine, and we will NOT get along.)

Go all in, all of the time. (Even when you don’t feel like it, even when you’ve already checked everything off of your to-do list, you’re commited to doing more; to going above and beyond, not because you have to, but because you want to. Because you love what you do THAT much, and you can’t NOT do it!)

My clients get this. 
My friends get this. 
My mentors get this. 

And that’s why they’re my clients, friends, and mentors! Because I’ve chosen to only allow these kind of people into my life. No one else is getting through. If you aren’t willing to do the 2 things I listed above, you will NOT get my attention. Because I don’t surround myself with wannabes and people who just make excuses for why they can’t have what they want.

I’m so grateful to have such amazing people in my life who are JUST like me. 

People like Katie Krimitsos, who has a small child at home that demands a lot of her attention and yet Katie still manages a community of over 4,000, runs an incredible podcast, and shows up for her community every freaking day. She could use the excuse that she’s exhausted from chasing a toddler around and running a full-time business all day, and she IS exhausted a lot of the time, but she doesn’t. Because SHE FUCKING GETS IT.

People like Courtney Nicole Good, who practically lives at the gym and is always training, and is still able to generate 5-figures every single month, create content like a motherfucker for her community, and host clients at her house because she’s awesome like that. She could complain about everything she has to fit into her days, but she doesn’t. Because SHE FUCKING GETS IT. 

People like Kat Loterzo, who I believe is superhuman with the little amount of sleep she runs on and can still function, who has 2 small kids to take care of, who manages a team of many, who creates content all day long, and who is never afraid to show up and give MORE. She could complain that she is tired and doesn’t feel like doing more than the 2,261 things she already did that day, but she does more, and she doesn’t complain. Because SHE FUCKING GETS IT. 

People like Taylor Manning, who crushes every single goal she sets for herself, who is there 100% for her community, who is always showing up and giving more, more, more. Who refuses to sleep until she’s done EVERYTHING on her list, and then some. She could complain that she’s done enough and that she wants to take a break, but she doesn’t. Because SHE FUCKING GETS IT. 

I surround myself only with people WHO FUCKING GET IT. 

Who are willing to commit. 
Who are willing to go all in. 
Who are willing to invest, even when they are scared.
Who are willing to work harder than most people.
Who are hungry for success.
Who want it all, and refuse to accept any less.

Those are my people. That is my tribe. And those are the only people I give a shit about. Those are the only people I show up for every day. Those are the only people I will give my time, energy and support to. 

Because those are the people who will succeed

Are you only of those people? 

Don’t forget – 

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!