If there’s one thing you should focus on every day, it’s THIS

If there’s one thing you should focus on every day, it’s THIS

People ask me all the time what my “secret” is to making money online.

I have family and friends that ask me to teach them how to do it.
I have clients that ask me to teach them how to do it.
I have strangers online and off that ask me to teach them how to do it.

There is no secret. 

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it a thousand times - making money online is really fucking easy.

That being said, YES, there is a certain way you want to do things if making A LOT of money is your goal.

And the first step is believing in yourself. I can’t tell you how important this step is. If you skip it, you will fail. If you don’t start by believing that what you want to achieve is possible, you won’t ever achieve it. You will find ways to sabbotage your success.

I’ve seen this happen to so many people and it makes my want to cry because I know their dreams are big, and I know they are amazing at what they do and that they CAN achieve those dreams, but they block themselves from that success simply because they didn’t believe, deep down, that they could do something.

There will always be naysayers that tell you that something you want to do cannot be done. Ignore them. Focus on yourself and BELIEVE in yourself enough to make it happen. When you have such a strong belief, then NOTHING can stop you and it’s like you become invincible. Magic just starts happening at every turn and your dreams start coming true faster than you ever thought possible.

When I started my couponing blog almost 10 years ago, I was told by many people that it would never make money. I made a few dollars a couple of weeks later. Then I made a few hundred dollars. 

I was told that’s all I would ever make, and there was no way a couponing blog would generate more than that. It only took me a few more weeks to go from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand. And after that, my income jumped up to $10K/month. I was making over six-figures from “just a couponing blog” no one ever thought would be profitable.

Less than 2 years ago, when I got into the coaching industry, I was told, yet again, I would never make money. A month later I’d made a few thousand dollars. When I said I planned to charge $5K for my coaching package, I was laughed at. “No one will pay that!”, I was told. But yet, they did. I had 3 or 4 women sign up for that $5K package during the next 2 months.

Then I raised my prices to $7500, then $10K, and now $30K. And you guessed it, every single time, I was told “no one will pay that”. But, I’ve sold packages at every single one of those price points, many times over. 

My point is that you can do what you set your mind out to do, regardless of what anyone else tells you is possible.

If you don’t believe in yourself, you will get nowhere. 
If you don’t believe in yourself, your clients won’t believe in you.
If you don’t believe in yourself, success will be HARD. 
If you don’t believe in yourself, you might as well give up right now on living a remarkable life.

And I know that if you’re a part of this community, you want to live a remarkable life. So start BELIEVING. 

Here’s an assignment for you today – 

Get out your journal and write down a list of at least 15 things you want in your life. (Finances, relationships, physical items. Anything goes.)
On a separate paper in your journal, write out those 15 things as if you already have them.

And then, like Bart Simpson had to do on the chalkboard at school, I want you to write the following statement over and over and over again, until you can feel it in your bones and it starts to become TRUE to you:

“I believe in myself.”
“I believe in myself.”
“I believe in myself.”
“I believe in myself.”

Let me tell you something you already know – 

You will not get through life without any obstacles. There are times when you will get knocked down, when things feel so awful and so hopeless that you just want to give up and call it quits. Because, success doesn’t come easy. Success TESTS YOU and makes sure you truly WANT it before it is given to you. 

You have to get up again, every time you’re knocked down, and with more energy and more “I believe in myself” and “I got this” than the last time.

When you can master this belief in yourself that is SO strong that NOTHING can stop you from achieving your dreams, that’s when you’ve made it. That’s when you’ve really become successful. That’s when you can celebrate.

Belief is a choice. You either do it or you don’t. But if success is what you’re after, and I know it is or you wouldn’t be here, then this is the #1 thing you need to focus on every single day. 

Sure, there are other tasks you need to do to keep your business growing and to keep the money coming in, but without that belief in yourself, none of it matters.