I’m DISGUSTED at how lazy I’ve actually been!

I’m DISGUSTED at how lazy I’ve actually been!

Summer has really been fucking with my productive vibe. 

I’m used to being up around 5am, working for a few hours before the kids woke up, getting my work-out in, and accomplishing more before lunch than most people did in a week

Lately, 7am (or later!) has been my wake-up time. I have to scramble to work-out, get the kids up and ready for the day, do my mindset work, messaging and eat breakfast before I have to hop on the phone with clients.

Needless to say, my productivity has dropped and I’m pissed at myself because I know I can be doing so much more. From the outside looking in, I’m sure it appears I’m getting a shitload of stuff done every day, and that’s true, but it’s nowhere near the amount I WANT and NEED to be accomplishing to reach my goals.

From today on, I don’t care if my big ol’ comfy bed is calling me, I’m getting up while the rest of the world is still sleeping. I’ll do what they won’t so I can have what they can’t. I’m back, baby, and I’m ready to unleash a whole new level of hardcore Cassie on your ass!

Making sure you get your daily tasks done is just a smart thing to do as a business owner and as someone who will gets what she wants. 

The phone calls
The follow ups
The messaging
The mindset work
The sales activities
The content creation
The community engagement 
The lead generation
The money tracking
The physical activity

All necessary on a daily basis if you want to succeed. All necessary if you want to improve the shitty fucking crap you’re going through in your life right now.

All necessary if you want to build a motherfucking EMPIRE.

What are you doing every day to get the day off to a rocking start? To set you up for an EXCEPTIONAL, productive day that moves the needle forward in your biz?

For me, I start the day with mindset, money tracking, physical activity and getting a headstart on my sales activities. My day never ends well if I don’t get those first things done right away, before anything else. 

When you set your days up for success by tackling the most important tasks first, you’re no longer able to say you’re struggling to succeed. Because succeeding you will be. In a big way.

One of my mindset tasks for today was to look at pictures of Ireland and get into an excited state of mind. We’re travelling there for 2 weeks in August and I want to make sure we have the best freakin’ time possible, so I was checking out the gorgeous scenery, as well as restaraunts we can eat at, and events & activities we can go to. 

I turned this into a messaging activity too, by sharing on my personal profile that we were going to be in Ireland in less than a month.

How is this part of my messaging? Because I’m giving people a glimpse into my LIFE. And since that’s what I’m really selling is ME, and not a product or offer, things like this always help me to sell even more. 

My point is that no matter what you do every day, make sure you show the fuck up. Be visible, give value, sell like crazy, engage, and grow that empire of yours. Every day! No one else can do it for you.