How to cultivate a SUCCESS mindset

How to cultivate a SUCCESS mindset

If someone were to ask me what helped me the most when it came to making more money and getting more visibility in my business, I would hands down say THIS – 

Cultivating a success mindset.

Sure, lots of other things helped – 


It all helped. Everything. 

But nothing – 

And I mean NOTHING – 

Helped me more than cultivating a SUCCESS mindset. 

Learning how, and then DOING. Implementing. Consistently, every day. 

If where you are right now is not where you want to be, then start paying attention to your thoughts. What do you think about while you’re working? What do you think about first thing in the morning and right before you go to bed? What do you think about when the world is silent and you aren’t doing anything but sitting in solitude?

What’s on your MIND?

I’m willing to bet that one thing is worry. You’re worried you won’t make your mortgage payment again this month, or that you’ll have to pay for expenses on another credit card, or you’ll have to ask your parents for a loan AGAIN, or you won’t be able to make the investments in your business you know you need to make. 

Worry will hold you back.
Worry will keep you stuck.
Worry will never allow you to move forward and be successful.

I’m not saying you should never worry about anything. We’re human and we DO have these emotions. But the quicker you move OUT of that worry and focus on something more helpful, the better your life and your business will be. 

Every day I focus on cultivating a success mindset. It’s work that I truly believe is never, ever done. And so daily, I work on it. Because I know my success depends on it, and I also know that I am made for success. We are all made for and worthy of success. The sad truth is that most people don’t believe that. 

But I want you to know, that you and I, we’re no different. We’re both human. We both want to be successful. We both get frustrated, fed up, annoyed, scared and even desperate at times. We’re also both capable of doing amazing things in this world, making incredible money doing work we love, and changing the lives of millions of people. 

We both have that in us. YOU have that. 


Spend every morning journaling – 
- About your dream life, as if it’s already happened
- About how you want to feel, as if it’s already happened
- About your money goals, your debt, your net worth (I know it can be scary, but you need to DO IT ANYWAY - what you focus on grows!)
- About your vision for your lifestyle, your business, your impact on the world

Spend time in meditation, visualization, affirmation, and whatever else feels good to you. Mindset work is truly focused on YOU and so you should play by your own rules. The only rule you NEED to follow is to do it daily, and start your day with journaling.

When you focus on what you WANT, instead of what you don’t want, THAT’s when things start to improve. That’s when success happens. And so that is exactly what you need to focus on, now, tomorrow, and for the rest of your life.