3 things you need to do to make more money with your Facebook group

3 things you need to do to make more money with your Facebook group

Get this: I’ve had 4 people in the last hour (the last HOUR!) either email me or message me to ask how I make money from my Facebook group

What my best offers are
How often I sell
How I keep people interested and engaged

Listen, making money online is easy. It’s even easier now because we have Facebook groups to play in, and Facebook groups are currently one of the BEST ways to increase your income. 

Do you need to have a group with thousands of members to make a lot of money? No, but as I’m sure you know, the more people that follow you, the more money you make. It’s just math! 

But growing your group can be a challenge, I get that. It’s hard for some people. It takes too long for others. You don’t have the time.

These are all just EXCUSES. Stop allowing your excuses to take over. If you want more people in your group you need to put in the work, just like anything else. But here’s the big question – 

What kind of work do you need to do in order to grow your Facebook group?


And then promote some more


There are a ton of different ways you can promote your group, but only a few of them are worth your time, and that’s what you need to focus on when it comes to growth - proper PROMOTION. 

It doesn’t matter what the name of your group is.
It doesn’t matter what you say in your description.
It doesn’t matter what your header image looks like.

What matters is that people find your group. And that comes from promoting the hell out of it.

In addition to growing your group, you then need to keep people happy and engaged, so that they don’t leave your group or simply unfollow the posts in there. 

Engagement should be another thing you focus on consistently. 

Get people talking, get them showing up, get them connecting with one another. 

You don’t just want numbers, you want a community, a family, people who WANT to spend time there, with you and everyone else. 

Get them in, get them talking & connected, make them happy and then move on to step number 3 - SELL.

This is how you make your money: from selling (go figure!).

And I’m not talking about selling after you’ve given value for awhile, or until you’ve “proved yourself” worthy of selling. No, I’m talking about selling today, now, from day #1.

I know, I know – 

All the other coaches are telling you that you can’t sell until you’ve given X amount of value or posted X amount of times (hell, I used to teach that method myself until I learned it was completely unnecessary!), but guess what - it doesn’t have to be that way. 

There is a proper way to sell to your community, in your group, from the beginning (yes, even to people who have never heard of you before). But if you’re not selling daily, if you’re not putting your offers out there, then nope, no one will buy. 

Want to make sales? Want to increase your income ten-fold? Then SELL.