How to Show Up Like a BOSS, Dominate Your Industry & Let The Money Flowwww

How to Show Up Like a BOSS, Dominate Your Industry & Let The Money Flowwww

Here’s something for you to imagine –


Dun dun dun.

No one knows who you are. Which makes you unapproachable, which leaves you broke.

You don’t want to be the person who shows up to a party (online OR offline) only to be completely ignored because no one has a damn clue who you are.

Now, I’m not saying that if you’re new to the scene and you start showing up that people will ignore you. There are nice people in the world that will welcome you with open arms. But those open arms don’t translate to fists full of cash. Not right away, anyway.

That’s why it’s so important to practice the ART of showing up.

When I first started coaching, my initial plan to was to DOMINATE the industry. I wanted to be on every social media platform, in every group, in everyone’s inbox. The goal was to FLOOD their screens with me and my message.

Did I do that? In a sense. But I lost steam because I didn’t know how to show up properly. And so, I spent over a year trying to figure out how the hell to show up as ME, and make money from doing so (instead of just giving all my shit away for free and then asking people to hire me). Thankfully, I’ve figured it out.

You don’t get to choose when to show up if you want to make an impact.

You don’t get to choose when to show up if you want to make amazing money.

You don’t get to choose. You show up every single day, whether you want to or not, because deep down you love it and let’s be honest, life would be pretty shitty if you WEREN’T communicating with your peeps and spreading your message every day.

Am I right?

I know I am, so I’ll continue.

We all have a message inside of us. We all have our one true CALLING. That one thing we are supposed to do with our lives, for the rest of our lives, until the day we die.

The sad thing is that most people don’t realize their true calling, and therefor, can’t monetize it and make a huge impact (and a huge imcome at the same time).


#1 - Share your message every single day

#2 - Focus on the benefits of doing the work

#3 - Always be thinking big picture, think about the RESULTS

#4 - Set goals daily, and CRUSH them

#5 - Step up your visibility game and show up even MORE

#6 - Give, give, give, and at the same time, ask for the sale

You need to show the fuck up if you want to blow the fuck up and make the impact and the money that you want!

You can’t take things slowly. You can’t wait. You can’t forget.

You just keep pushing forward, hard, every day. All day, every day. Because that’s what it takes. And if you love what you do, then what it takes is FUN and really? All you need to do is live your life and share what you believe. Don’t believe you can make money just talking about what you love and living your life?

Then explain to me how I was able to make over $500,000 in less than 2 years without knowing a THING about coaching!

I’ll tell you how –

I learned about coaching, yes, invested tens of thousands of dollars into my education, but more than that –

MUCH more than that –

I showed the fuck up. I showed up as ME, every single day without fail. I shared my story, I shared my beliefs, I shared what I needed to share with the world. In otherwords, I shared my MESSAGE. Every day.

THAT is where the money comes from.

It doesn’t come from the perfect fucking STRATEGY.

It doesn’t come from saying the right thing at the right time.

It doesn’t come from a hefty advertising budget.

It doesn’t come from the perfect program or the perfect launch.

Money comes from showing up. Day in and day out. All the freakin’ time.

You can show up whenever you want and make decent money. You can take lots of breaks and vacation time and make decent money.

But if you want to BLOW THE FUCK UP and make some SERIOUS dough and reach millions of people, then come on now –

You’ve gotta show up RIGHT.

The bad news? It’s going to require you to face your fears and do the work anyway.

The good news? It’s really (and I mean REALLY) fucking easy to show up and blow up and create a crazy successful business that you absolutely LOVE.

It all starts with taking the first step. Be that person who walks into the party and has everyone running over to you, asking for a selfie. 😉 Show up NOW, and never stop showing up for your people.