Your life should be a vacation, not something you want to escape!

Your life should be a vacation, not something you want to escape!

I’m up in the sky, writing this in the plane on my way to Alberta for a week of cold-ass weather, snow, and a million things on the schedule. The cats are home with the house-sitter, surely being treated like royalty.

I’m travelling with my family, my mom and mother-in-law included. We’ll be skiing (ahhh I’m terrified!), pampering ourselves at the spa, eating insane amounts of vegan food, and going on 3-hour snowmobiling trips.

Some may call this a vacation.

I don’t. 

To me, this is just life. I’m still doing the things I normally do (okay, minus the winter sports!). I’ll still be writing, I’ll still be creating, I’ll still be Snapping and Instagramming. I’ll still be playing with my kids. I’ll still be shopping. I’ll still be staring at gorgeous mountains for hours. I’ll still be journaling and growing my list and engaging with my community. I’m just gonna be in another part of the world while I do it.

I’m doing the same things I ALWAYS do. Every day. And the reason? Because this is LIFE. I get paid to be me. That’s how I make money - being myself, sharing my thoughts, giving value around what I’m able to help people with. The things I’m great at:

Building an online empire and making money being YOU.

So this trip people assume is a “vacation”? Is nothing of the sort. It’s me, living life, doing “the usual” – 

Which happens DAILY, no matter where I am: In an airplane, an airport, in the car, in hotels, at the closest coffee shop, or warm & cozy by the fire in my living room. It happens everywhere. I don’t NEED, nor do I even WANT to take a break from it.

And that’s the whole point.

You shouldn’t have a business you want to take a break from. If that’s how you feel, get the fuck OUT. 

Do you really think it can’t be this easy? 

Really? I can make money just doing and saying what I want? LIES! I don’t believe you, Cassie! 

I know. I was skeptical, too. Hence why I followed the rules for so long! I tried to do it all “right”, tried to be a good girl and do what all the fucking “EXPERTS” told me to do. I tried, really I did. I tried so hard. But it never worked! Not only that, but I was so damn annoyed, frustrated and bored ALL the time. I didn’t WANT to do what everyone told me I needed to do.

None of it resonated. 

Every time I was told that I “had” to do something, I threw a tantrum, like the 4-year old toddler who didn’t get the bag of Doritos for dinner that she requested for the 3rd night in a row.

The more I was told to do something, the less I wanted to do it. 

And since the results weren’t happening, I figured I had nothing to lose, and I gave that shit up. No more following the rules. No more doing what others told me I needed to do. I was gonna create my own success! I was gonna do this MY WAY. 

And no kidding – 
Once I made that decision, things started to turn around.

I started attracting clients (SOULMATE clients I loved)
I was having way more FUN in my business
I was able to combine family, business, and LIFE as one
I made more money (and EASILY)
I gained more confidence in who I am and how I can serve my community
My community grew by the thousands almost overnight!
I heard YES more often than NO when I launched new offers
I was able to share what I REALLY thought and believed
I was able to fully be ME

I realized that the more I shared ME – 

What I was up to
What I thought
How I felt
Things that annoyed me
Things that made me laugh
Behind the scenes in my life & biz

The more I gave it all away, the more I was just ME? 

The more I was able to create and sell, and the more money I made. And the most important part of all is that what I created was completely in alignment with what I LOVE to talk about and what I’m really good at. 

This is the truth:

The more you start to treat your LIFE as your business, instead of having a business SEPARATE from your life – 

The more likely you are to get paid to be you. 

The thought of taking a break would never even cross your mind. How the hell do you a break from LIFE? Easy: YOU DON’T. As you go through life, and as you share – 

Share your experiences
Share your lessons 
Share your mistakes and failures
Share your big and small wins
Share your celebrations
Share your hesitations, your questions, your fears
Share your family, your friends, YOURSELF
Share your day, your week, your month, your year

As you share YOU, no holds barred, no filter, no reservations – 

And as long as you do that consistently, day after day – 

You will start to attract a tribe of people that are just like you. People who think like you, act like you, speak like you – 

And you’ll be interesting to them. You’ll be entertaining. And they won’t be able to look away, as long as you continue to show up – 

And eventually (sometimes straight away, sometimes weeks, months, or even YEARS later), because they resonate so much with who you are – 

They will want to be a part of your life. And they will connect with you. They will learn from you. They will buy from you. They will be impacted by you. By you sharing yourself - all of yourself - with them, every day. 

It’s impossible to fail at getting paid to be you. The ONLY way you could fail is if you are lying about who you are, if you’re faking it at all (we can tell), or if you aren’t consistent with your ability to show up and SHARE. 

But if you can do that? 

Girl, you’ll be on FIRE. You’ll be rocking it every day. People will be asking what your secret is. How you can be so happy all the time. And you’ll smile because you know that there is no secret. The only secret is to be your authentic self and not be afraid to share that person with the world.

Everything I do, I do because I want to do it, I do because I love it. I do because I can. And because of that, my life is the fucking shit.

And so a vacation? The thing people assume I’m on right now, just because I’m on a plane with my kids – 

A vacation is what I’m on every day. Living my life feels like a vacation. The ability to travel when I want, say and do what I want, make as much money as I want, share my gifts with the world, help people that need help, BE WHO I TRULY AM? 

Well, THAT – 

THAT is a vacation to me. 

Escaping that is not what I want. Escaping that is not a vacation. Escaping that is like quitting life. 

And I’m not sure how to do that. Nor do I want to do it anyhow. 🙂

You have an opportunity in front of you right now. You have the chance to be you. The real you. To be valued and respected and do some great big work in the world. You don’t have to hide anymore. We’re waiting for you to show yourself – 

To teach us 
To inspire us
To believe in us


And you’ll have the luxury of getting paid to be you, sharing your gifts & helping with things you’re great at and that you love, living a life that feels like a vacation instead of saving up your money and your days off for that once a year trip to some far away destination where you can forget about the life you left behind.

Don’t forget – 

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you are. Take action now!