This is a note to the rule-breakers. 

This is for YOU. 

This is for US. 

A reminder that we don’t have to play by the rules. In fact, the RULES go AGAINST everything we stand for! We don’t want someone telling us what to do. So “rules” just simply don’t WORK for us. 

This is your reminder that it’s OKAY to say “fuck the rules”! And really, by NOT doing so, you are agreeing to live someone else’s life! 


This is a message to those of you that are kicking ass every day, doing things YOUR way.
Showing up
Speaking your mind
Giving ZERO fucks about what others think 
Saying what needs to be said
And truly IGNORING what the “rules” are

Who made up these ridiculous rules anyway?? 

Who decided that the only way to be successful was to host a fuck-ton of boring webinars?
Who decided that you have to speak certain away and avoid swearing because then you aren’t “professional”?
Who decided that you need to be professional to make money???
Who decided that you need to give, give, give, give, giiiiiiiive your soul away, before you can ever ask for anything in return?

Who decided this stuff and why the hell did we decide to listen to them? 

This is YOUR life. Did you forget? 

There ARE no rules, except the rules you set for yourself. 

As long as you aren’t breaking the law, you can pretty much do WHATEVER THE FUCKING HELL YOU WANT!

Yep, you will get people who disagree with you. And more often than not, it will be those closest to you. Your partner, your parents, your best friend, your neighbours. And unfortunately, this is where most people will stop. This is where they will give up, call it quits on their dream – 

Because they don’t want to OFFEND or UPSET anyone else by doing it. 

The people closest to us, though they do try to talk us out of doing things we know we need to do, they’re doing it out of love (usually) and sometimes, jealousy. HOWEVER. That does NOT matter. You can respect their opinion, you can thank them for it, and then you can let them know that you’re going to do what YOU know is right for you.

Regardless of their feelings. 

I know many women who actually divorced their partners because they wouldn’t fully support them. 

I know others that don’t talk to their parents anymore because they didn’t agree with their life choices.

I know a lot of people that have lost really good friends because as they grew into the amazing people they are, those friends stayed stuck and would sometimes even give those people shit because they were doing better financially and living more extravagant lives.

And I get it, this shit is really fucking hard. 

Those closest to us? We love them, they’ve likely been in our lives for a really long time, it’s HARD to let them go, or have that hard conversation about how they’re hurting us. 

But you, my badass rule-breaker, need to STICK TO YOUR GUNS. 

You need to stand up for yourself, for your community, for your big dreams. You need to protect them with everything you’ve got. And sometimes, that means giving the middle finger to those who can’t get on board and support you

I know the feeling of not being supported. 
I know exactly how it feels to have people flat out tell you that they don’t believe in you.
I know what it’s like to sometimes doubt YOURSELF and think “hey, maybe I really AM crazy for doing this”. 

I didn’t talk about my business much with my parents because, while they did support me to an extent, I don’t think they truly believed I could do what I said I was gonna do – 

That I would make $100K in one year
That I would make $50K in one month
That I would travel business class
That someone would pay $5K to work with me for 6 weeks
That I would be able to take my family on a 2 week vacation to Ireland
That I would be able to hire full time “employees” (TEAM MEMBERS, to me!)

I can still sense their doubt when I tell them my bigger and better goals. They just respond with “are you sure?”, “aren’t you happy with what you’ve got now?”, “why do you want to keep working so hard?”.

And as confused as they are about the way I think and act and dream, I’m just as confused about how they can’t NOT think, act and dream the way I do. I always wonder that about people…

How can you NOT want to keep aiming higher? How can you NOT want to do bigger and better things

And more importantly? 

How can you be so fucking COMFORTABLE where you are. I HATE feeling comfortable. It’s one of the worst feelings in the world. I want to be scared, I want to be stretched to the max, I want to feel that PRESSURE! It’s what makes me feel alive, it’s what makes me do WHATEVER IT TAKES to get what I want. 

And that’s what I do. And that’s what so many tell you NOT to do. 

Slow down, they say. 
Don’t work on the weekends, they say.
Take the holidays off, they say.
Don’t work so hard, they say.
You’re going to get burnt out, they say.
Be grateful for what you have, they say. 

What in the actual fuck?

How can people actually think like this? I mean, I KNOW there are not many people who think like me, who think that the hustle is life, that there is more to living than just raising a family, going to work, coming home, shutting off, dreading Monday, and giving up on blasting through glass ceilings, but – 

There IS more than just me who thinks like this.

There’s also YOU. 

Breaking the rules that random strangers set for you. Going AGAINST the grain. Doing YOU, no matter what. No matter how crazy, how “irresponsible”, how “unrealistic” you appear to others. 


There will always be doubters. Ignore them.
You have more than enough strength to keep pushing harder.
You are worthy, you are capable, and you are needed.
Continue to break through barriers. 
Continue to smash those glass ceilings.
The world truly does need more of YOU.

Go out there and fuck shit up, break the damn rules, and change the world with your words and actions!!

Don’t forget – 

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!