This is that post where I talk about porn, food and boobs all in one. :)

This is that post where I talk about porn, food and boobs all in one. :)

I’m not everyone’s cup of tea.

In fact, I am not for most. 

The way I think.
The way I act.
The things I do and say – 

Is not for everyone.

I get that. I see that. I understand that. 

And I’m GLAD for that.

I don’t WANT to be for everyone. Can you imagine how fucking miserable life would be if EVERYONE loved you? If everyone thought you were perfect? If everyone thought you did no wrong? 

That’s a lot of fucking pressure.

I like being for the very few. The very few who just GET ME. The very few who are just LIKE ME. Everyone else can piss off. 

If you aren’t JUST LIKE ME – 

I don’t want to talk to you.

Harsh? Maybe. Do I care? Not a bit. 

As much as I care about others and want to inspire you and change lives with my words, I can’t fucking stand most people. When I’m in a room full of strangers, I feel like I’m suffocating. And when someone comes up to talk to me, I want to puke. WHAT? I have to actually TALK to this person? To this person who is probably not a damn thing like me?

Small talk? No thanks! I will turn that shit down so fast, you’ll think I’m a bitch within seconds. Don’t care. 

I’ll never stop being me. 
I’ll never stop giving ZERO fucks about what you think of me.

I just want to work.
I just want to hustle. 
I just want to get shit done.
I just want to cross off my to-dos. 
I’m DONE thinking that’s a bad thing. 
I’m DONE caring what kind of person it makes me when all I want to do is GRIND!


I’m not perfect and THANK THE FUCKING STARS for that. I don’t need that kind of pressure in my life. 

I swear like a motherfucker
I want billions and I want to blow it all on fun shit
I want to jump out of airplanes
I want to wear low-cut shirts that show off my cleavage because cleavage is HOT and fuck you for trying to make me cover up 
I worked in the adult industry and YES I love porn and think more people need to watch it and stop being such fucking prudes
I believe anyone who isn’t vegan is an asshole and I have a whole lot more to say about this, we’ll save that for later, but mostly when I see pictures of your “healthy” breakfast of eggs and yogurt, I want to punch you in the face for being so fucking stupid

And normally I would be scared to say all of that because I know that the majority of people who read it will NOT relate and probably be offended and stop following me. I truly do want everyone to like me. I HATE IT when someone doesn’t like me. 

But at the same time?


I don’t want just ANYONE to like me. I want the RIGHT people to like me. 

So if you must leave, please do. 

And don’t let the door hit you in the fucking ass on the way out.

For everyone else who wants to stick around. Who doesn’t mind my filthy mouth. My filthy mind. My over the fucking top OUTRAGEOUS thoughts and feelings and goals and dreams and EVERYTHING – 

I love you. 

Let’s hustle and eat vegan food together forever and ever. 

Let’s say FUCK YOU to the bitches who think they’re better than us. 


Let’s never be ashamed of being who we are.

And fucking hell, it’s scary to say all of that. I don’t know why. But I know that there are too many people following me right now that just don’t belong here. That aren’t right for me. That aren’t right for this community. That just want to take the EASY road (which doesn’t exist, regardless of the Facebook ads that tell you it does!).

And really? 

This is what you need to do when building a tribe. A community. A gang, of sorts (in the positive sense!). 

You need to show up and be YOU 100%. You need to not give a shit about who disagrees with you and only focus on those who are 100% in agreement with everything you say. 

This means that NO, you probably won’t have a MASSIVE community of billions, maybe even millions. And guess what? You can still make a huge difference. You can still make a ton of money. But most importantly, you will have way more fucking fun and you will enjoy life 1000% more because you will essentially be getting paid to be YOU and to say whatever you want! 

What kind of life is it when all you do is sit behind a desk every day and try to please others?

Let others please YOU, instead.

Let you be the one who gets what YOU want, FROM who you want, WHEN you want, HOW you want.

Your job is not to impress others. Your job is to do good in the world being YOU. 

It makes me sad when I see people mimicking others. I’ve even seen people take my own content and use it as their own, word for word, without even TRYING to make it seem like they wrote it themself. Don’t be a follower. You will NOT enjoy life when you’re living someone else’s. 

Yes, there’s a strategy to growing a community
To increasing your email list size
To constant content creation
To selling and making money
To finding clients
To building your empire

OF COURSE there is strategy. There are certain things you need to do. There is a certain way you need to think. 

OF COURSE you need to be strategic. 

OF COURSE you need support (stop trying to do it on your own to save a few bucks, don’t be an idiot and get HELP if you want results faster!).


But more than that? You need to commit to being YOU, 100%, no matter what. Even if it feels scary. Even if others give you shit about it. Even if you have to say things that might offend people. Even if you’re warned not to. 

Don’t back down from you. From your message. From what you were put on this earth to do. 

You don’t have to slow down
You don’t have to relax
You don’t have to be careful
You don’t have to “watch your mouth”
You don’t have to be someone you’re not
You don’t have to fake it!

You are PERFECT the way you are. And the only way you will truly ever be successful is when you can accept that and live life with the intention of simply showing up as you every day. And sticking with that, always.

Don’t forget – 

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want in life. Take action now!