How THESE people are sabotaging you getting rich (don’t let them!)

How THESE people are sabotaging you getting rich (don’t let them!)

I know many people that are always complaining. Always fearing the worst. Always turning on their negativity switch.

Worrying about tomorrow
Worrying about today
Worrying about next week and next month and next year

Saying how rich people are greedy. Saying how getting rich yourself is a dream. A fantasy in your mind you can never achieve. 

It’s these same people that never get rich or accomplish much of anything in their lives. Why? Because they’re natural lazy fucks. Negative. Uninspired. And vocal about how everyone who actually HAS succeeded must have connections or have done something shady to get where they are. 

What I’ve learned from these people (other than the fact that I never want to be them), is that I don’t have to believe what other people tell me. I must believe myself. Belive IN myself. Believe FOR myself.

Because my dreams are scary big. I’m sure yours are too, or you wouldn’t be here.

Right now you may be terrified of failing
Right now you may be feeling exhausted
Right now you may be overwhelmed and confused
Right now you may be wondering if this is actually worth it

And let me tell you, it SO is. Because the world needs you and your message. And therefore, it’s your responsibility, your DUTY, to show up and share yourself and your message every day. 

You say you want those $10K months, the six-figure business. You say you want the freedom. You say you want the ability to live life on your terms.

So WHY then, haven’t you made it happen yet? What’s stopping you from getting where you want to go? You’ve been saying you want these things for years. What is your excuse this time? 

Lack of time
Lack of know-how
Lack of money
Lack of inspiration
Lack of clarity

Or all of the above? Listen, it’s okay to just NOT know what to do to crush your goals! What’s not okay, is continuing to try and figure it out on your own, slowing down your success. The longer it takes you to learn something, the longer you are delaying yourself the gratification and rewards of SUCCEEDING.

You’re also delaying getting your message out there and making an impact in the world. You’re preventing people who need you from learning your skills and getting what THEY want.

You know you have the talent
You know you’re good at what you do
You know you can help people

So why the FUCK aren’t you trying HARDER to make that happen?? Right now you’re settling. You’re throwing your hands up in the air saying “I don’t know why this isn’t working!”. You’re confused about what you’re doing wrong. Why no one is signing up for your offer. What you need to CHANGE in order to finally get what you want.

What you have to change is YOU. You’re the problem. And the sooner you accept that you’re the problem, the sooner you can fix the problem, move on, and succeed.

You need to get out of your own way. You need to believe in yourself. You need to act as if you already ARE that person that is massively successful and who has everything she wants.

You need to get the support you require badly. You need to show up every damn day of the week for your community. You need to put your head down and get the fuck to work. And you need to stop blaming everyone else for your failures. Because the problem is you. Fix you, fix the problem.

And you know what? Fixing YOU is easy. It’s all a matter of becoming a master of your mind, having the focus and determination and WILLPOWER of a fucking gladiatior, and then doing the necessary work to make your dreams a reality. 

You have everything inside of you that is required to succeed. Start letting that out, start unleashing your true self with the world and only then will you be able to reap the rewards of your labor. It doesn’t take long if you know what you’re doing! 

Mind over matter. Mind over matter. Mind over matter. 

If this is what you want - prove it. Not to me, but to yourself. Show yourself that you can do anything you set your mind to. Become obsessed with getting where you want to go QUICKLY. And don’t let anyone, or anything, or any damn excuse get in your way

I had a client recently tell me that she would love to work with me, but her husband said she should wait until she got a client first, so she had the money to hire me, instead of getting a loan from the bank. I asked her how she was going to get the client. She said “I don’t know. I guess I will just launch this new program and I’ll really try to sell 1 or 2 spots by next week, then I can sign up.”

There are SO many things wrong with that statement that I just want to scream. If she was in front of me, I would have physically started to shake her and scream NOOOOOOO, THAT IS A BAD IDEA.

First, “I don’t know” says it all. You don’t know what the fuck you’re doing. Otherwise you wouldn’t need my help. You’d already HAVE a client. In fact, you’d likely have dozens of them!

Secondly, launching a new program will NOT solve your problem of having no clients. You first need to know how to actually CREATE a program that will sell and then you’ll need to know how to SELL it (and most people don’t know what they’re doing when it comes to selling - sad, but very true).

Last but not least, “I’ll really try to sell 1 or 2 spots”… seriously? You’ll REALLY TRY? Why the fuck haven’t you been really trying already? Because it’s not about trying, it’s about DOING. And you sure as hell aren’t DOING much of anything, otherwise, you’d have the clients you wanted.

Needless to say, when I ranted to this client, she came to her senses and simply said “you’re right”. She went to the bank the next day, applied for a loan for her business, and 2 days later, she signed up to work with me. This was about a month ago, and yesterday she messaged me and said she’s already made back half of her investment and it was only the 10th of August! I’m confident she will re-coup her investment by the end of the month.

You see, this is what happens when you believe in yourself so much, that you don’t get excuses stop you from getting what you want.

Don’t have the money? Figure out a way to get it. Ask for a loan, borrow from a friend or family member, put it on your credit card, sell something.
Don’t have the time? Make the fucking time. Stop watching so much TV. Stop spending hours scrolling through Facebook. Stop sleeping in.
Don’t have the know-how? Do your homework. Hire a mentor. Learn every day. Focus on what’s important.

You are bigger than your excuses. Don’t let them break you. Don’t let them squash your dreams. 

You are a warrior. 
A gladiator.
A motherfucking QUEEN.

And you cannot, you WILL NOT be stopped.