Perfecting the process of SUCCESS

Perfecting the process of SUCCESS

I’ve been thinking about perfectionism for awhile now, along with the process of actually attaining perfection (in all areas of life). It must be the time of year or something, because I NEVER think in terms of perfection, as I know that it’s simply not something that’s attainable. 

Nothing is perfect.
No one is perfect.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t life a perfect life. Or at least, what FEELS like a perfect life to you. 🙂

The process is not perfect. It’s not meant to be perfect. 

The process is long, hard, and rarely makes a bit of sense most of the time, if I’m being honest.

But you feel those tugs.
You feel those FEELINGS.
You feel that strong pull.

And you know.
You just know.
This is it.
THIS is exactly what needs to happen.
This thing right here in front of you is what you need to jump on. Now.

What that is for you, I don’t know. But you do. And if you were waiting for a sign that leapt up out of the bushes and said “DO IT!”, well, this is it.

But getting into the zone
Being creative & feeling free
That may not come easily to you 
And that’s okay.

Because the process is not perfect.

The overwhelm is real and we all feel it more often than not. The sheer amount of work we do each day is astounding, but we do it anyway, because we can’t NOT. It’s just in our DNA to hustle and make shit happen. 

Even if it feels hard and scary and as though no one understands why you do this to yourself. Why you slave away, day and night, to make your dreams a reality. Why you sacrifice sleep, why you never stop going, why you are always ON.

I understand. Because I am exactly like you. I know what you’re feeling. I know what you desire. And I know that YOU know you were born for more.

You were born to change the world with your words.

Did you grow up always knowing that something big was meant for you?

You did, didn’t you?

I think we all know from a young age, exactly what we were born to do or exactly how we’re supposed to feel as we live out our days here on earth.

I always knew I was born to be a teacher. I also knew I was going to be wealthy and share that wealth with those who needed it most. And that’s exactly what I’m doing today. A different kind of teacher than I thought, but still teaching nonetheless. 🙂

Every J-O-B you had to endure,
That just sucked the life right out of you
That made you die inside a little each day

Brought you closer to where you are right now: Going through the process of building your empire and changing the world – 

Which you know is exactly what you were born to do.

But the process is not perfect.

The process is messy
The process is often unknown
The process is scary
The process is challenging
The process WILL have both ups AND downs

And the process is exactly what you need to attend to each day.

Because the process gets you to where you want to go, if you allow it.

Don’t be afraid of what you don’t yet know,
There are people to help you along the way.
Look inside of yourself for the answers you’re searching for right now.

We bring to life what we choose to bring to life.

We create more of what’s always on our mind.

Improving the process should always be on your mind.
Improving your prosperity should always be on your mind.
Improving your current situation should always be on your mind.

IMPROVING should always be on your mind.

Think about what you WANT, not what you don’t. 

Know that you’re exactly where you want to be right now, otherwise you would have focused on being further ahead. 

Take responsibility for your life and know that you are where you are and you have what you have because it’s what you asked for; what you always thought about. It’s a big part of your process.

And by now, I hope you know – 

The process is not perfect.

But what I REALLY want you to understand? Is that it can be.

As soon as you stop letting fear and doubt get in the way.
As soon as you start taking the daily actions necessary.
As soon as you take this dream of yours SERIOUSLY.

Only then will the process be something that feels absolutely PERFECT.

Don’t forget – 

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!