There are a lot of people that can teach you how to create and run a business.

There are tons of people who will gladly show you how to make more money.

But what there are very few of?

People who aren’t fucking FOLLOWERS and who just do whatever the hell they want.

Meaning – 

They don’t follow the crowd
They don’t do what others are doing
They don’t take advice from people who are clearly fake as fuck

I see SO many posts from people on social media and in my inbox that make me want to scream. Those people just sound so ridiculously F-A-K-E. Like they’re sucking up to me to get me to buy whatever it is they’re selling.

They’re robots.

They’ve clearly all taken the same program by the same person (you know who I’m talking about), and they’re all doing the same damn shit.

Don’t they know we can tell? Don’t they understand that it’s so OBVIOUS they are just copying the same strategy that worked for one person and trying to do it themselves to make money, too?

OMG, how embarassing!! Don’t they know that they sound ridiculous? Don’t they get how dumb they look? 

Is it just me that’s bothered by this? It’s so CLEARLY obvious they’ve all gone through the same program because they’re all talking the same way, they’re all doing their video series’, they’re all doing 4-6 week launches with X number of sales/value emails. They’re all hosting live Q&A calls. They’re all doing challenges.






Don’t they get that this will never work for them? I mean, it may work in the beginning, but eventually, people will catch on. They will be able to see through the bullshit. They will be able to tell that they’re just a freaking robot that sounds the same as everyone else that’s gone through this program.

And eventually they will lose their clients.

Eventually they, too, will get sick of the bullshit and will be pissed at themselves for wasting time doing something that never truly felt right in the first place.

I mean, I guess I can’t blame them TOO much. I’m sure they’ve just been brainwashed into thinking business can only be done that one particular way. I’m sure it wasn’t intentional. They likely don’t WANT to appear as pathetic as they do.

I remember taking a few programs when I first got into the coaching industry, and I couldn’t get past the first few weeks of content in any of them because it was all the same old boring shit.

First you do this
Then you do this, but you have to do it this way
Finally, you’re allowed to do this, but ONLY like that

I couldn’t swear because that wasn’t professional
I had to get as many people on the phone as possible so that one would eventually “convert” into a paying client
I was to basically make people feel like shit if they said no to me, and tell them they were gonna fail (okay, so I wasn’t exactly taught to do this, but this is EXACTLY what these coaches made me feel like I was supposed to do)
I was never “allowed” to launch more than one thing at a time
My launches had to be AT LEAST 30 days long
My goal needed to be to get as many clients as possible, who cares if they weren’t a good fit, as long as I was making money!

I played along for a few weeks, but eventually I got sick of the bullshit and walked away.

Turns out, I wasn’t the only one. Thankfully I’m not the only person who thinks that this particular way of coaching is sleazy and gross, and most importantly - SOUL-SUCKING, because you’re not able to be who you truly are. You must conform. You must do things a very specific way.

Well – 

Guess what – 


I REFUSE to be told I can’t do something.
I REFUSE to let someone tell me I’m not “allowed” to be me.
I REFUSE to do things that feel wrong.

I’m not saying you should never work with mentors (quite the opposite, actually), but I’m saying that you need to work with mentors that are right for YOU. 

If you don’t want to sound like a robot, live like a robot, BE a freakin’ robot, then avoid the robot coaches (you know EXACTLY who I’m talking about). 

If you want to live a fully authentic life, get paid to be YOU, not follow a goddamn script, do and say what you want, whenever you want – 

Well, then find yourself a mentor who does just that and who teaches you how to do the same.

There is a lot that frustrates me and even more that makes me want to start hitting people, and THIS is one of those things. Being a fake as fuck person just because you think that’s what is necessary to find success.

That kind of belief is NOT going to serve you.

I know that once I quit those programs and walked away from those coaches, and then FULLY started to be myself (fully embracing my “unprofessional” potty mouth), my business took off. I started to attract only my soulmate clients and make more money in my business. I started to see that I was making a big difference in the lives of my community members and clients.

Now, I’m grateful to only work with soulmate clients that I absolutely love and adore and who are doing AMAZING things in this world. Making a difference in the lives of THEIR clients. Bringing in a lot of money doing work that they love and enjoy every day!

My clients are hard workers
My clients are passionate
My clients have HUGE goals
My clients know they were born for big things
My clients want to make A LOT of money (and they do)
My clients are eager and willing to learn
My clients love helping others

I am so grateful that I get to work with such incredible people that love me for me. That respect my views. That trust me for guidance. 

And I’m so grateful I don’t need to launch another freakin’ video series or host a damn webinar to “convince” them to hire me.

They hire me because they KNOW in their soul that I am the right coach for them. They hire me because they BELIEVE we will do great things together. They hire me because they TRUST that it’s the exact thing they need to do.

I gave up trying to please others a long time ago.

I have no intention of ever going back.

I now only focus on pleasing myself. I do things that light ME up. I create and share things that make ME feel amazing. And I know that when I do this – 

When I FULLY show up as me – 

I WILL impact others. I will make a difference. I will change the world.

And that is all I’ve ever wanted to do.