I just want to shake some sense into you

I just want to shake some sense into you

Sometimes (okay fine, A LOT of the time), I’m riled up. 

I just want to shake some sense into you. 

I can’t stand a lot of the shit you say – 

That’s too expensive
I don’t know
I can’t afford it
I don’t have the time right now
Maybe another time
Maybe later
This is too hard
I don’t get it
I don’t know how
I have to manifest the money (AHHHH SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP, GET OUT OF MY FACE)
I can’t do that!


Are you really TRYING to be so damn negative? Are you really TRYING to fuck up your life? Are you really TRYING to be so damn MEDIOCRE? 

I just want to SCREAM! PLEASE. Please stop doing this shit to yourself!! God damn it, don’t you realize?

You have so much GOOD to share.
You don’t HAVE to settle where you are. 
You don’t have to give up on opportunities that could change your life forever.
You don’t have to stay STUCK!

Get your message out there.
Speak louder. 
Use your voice for good. 

SO MANY people need to hear what you have to say.

You don’t know just how much you matter.

It is safe for you to show up. 
It is safe for you to be fully present.
It is safe for you to go all in and give ALL of yourself.

You MUST do you.
It’s the ONLY way.

And yes – 

Be prepared: You will hear from negative, small-minded people, as they try to talk you down from the ledge you’re about to leap from, simply because it’s scary for THEM. Leap anyway.

There will be resistance. 
It will be hard.
You will be scared.
You will be nervous. 
It will be TERRIFYING. 
And it will be WORTH IT!

When you hear from others how much you’ve helped them. How much you’ve changed their life.

When you see the light in their eyes when they talk about how awesome their life is now - thanks to you.

When you see and KNOW the difference you’ve made and are continuing to make in the world.


The money
The time
The resistance
The naysayers
The roadblocks
The fear
The pain
The uncertainty
The blood, sweat, and fucking TEARS, while you build your empire! 


I promise. 

And if you stop, if you give up, if you call it quits – 

You fail. At life. At living your true purpose. You’re not just letting yourself down, but you’re also letting down those who’s lives you could have changed had you just pushed through, done what was necessary, if you leaned INTO the unknown instead of push it away.

Don’t stop. Push. Harder. Keep going!

Your words mean something. YOU mean something.

And you’re just simply not allowed to quit. There’s too much riding on this working out. 

Show up every day and share with the world what you believe, what riles YOU up, what makes you squirm, what fuels the fucking fire inside of you. Get it out. Share it; all of it. The more you think it won’t matter, the more it actually DOES. Whatever you think is least important is actually MOST important.

The world needs more of YOU. Don’t let them down. Don’t let YOU down.

Remember – 

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!