Slowing things down and taking a break during the holidays –

Slowing things down and taking a break during the holidays –

Last night I was having a conversation with my husband about a really popular hedge fund guy who works like a fucking mad man and hustles HARD all the time during “work time” and then “shuts it off” when he’s “done” and work hours are over, and is able to completely relax and do nothing.

And the whole time he was telling me this story, my mouth was on the ground, like “how can you shut it off?”. I legitimately just did NOT understand.

I was not born to shut it off. 

I was not created and put on this earth to work really hard and then relax. 

Nor do I want that. It sounds like incredible TORTURE to me. Relaxing is boring as hell. I get antsy and irritable when someone tries to get me to take a break and relax. 

And I realize that not many people think like this. But those who do, are often the ones who are making more magic happen in their lives, and definetely faster than those who love to work hard, then take a BREAK. 

I DO believe self-care is important.
I DO believe you need to sleep (but we don’t ALL need 8+ hours!).
I DO believe you need to take time for YOU.

But in no way do I believe that you need to completely “shut things off” and take hours or even days off. AHHHH, that makes me feel gross just thinking about it. And this feeling is coming up a lot more now that it’s the holiday season and people are booking “vacations” and batching content for their businesses so they can disconnect and not work. 

Which, again, leaves me with my jaw on the floor because I JUST CAN’T. 

I just DO NOT understand.

Nor do I really want to, if I’m being honest…

I appear CRAZY to those who enjoy taking breaks and not working much. I look like an INSANE WORKAHOLIC to most people. And you know what, I don’t disagree with them. Maybe I am crazy, and yes I AM a workaholic. 

But why is that a bad thing? I guess that’s the part I don’t understand.

When you’re working at a J-O-B, a soul-crushing job you hate, then yeah, vacations and time off are just what you want. 
Even if you have your own business, if that business was created just to make money, then the passion won’t be 100% there and you will want to take breaks.
But when your business is YOU, when you make money simply by being YOURSELF, not only is is impossible to take breaks (how do you take a break from living your life?), but why the hell would you want to? Unless your life is shit, I suppose..


The problem I see is that people are building businesses and not brands. 

Me? I’m the BRAND. People don’t buy my programs or my courses or even my coaching - they buy ME. I am simply showing up, saying whatever I want, probably pissing people off (I’m good at that, clearly), sharing my life, my stories, my words, my message - and getting paid for it.

I know – 

It sounds too good to be true. “Make money just being myself? Impossible!” And you know what, a few years ago, I probably would have said the same. But what I’ve realized is that not only is it possible, but it’s the ONLY way that makes sense.

Why the hell would I create a business that I want to turn off? Why would I build something that made me feel as though it was separate from ME? I just can’t. I won’t. I refuse. And I feel sorry for people who do things this way, because they could be having so much more fun, making a much bigger impact and a hell of a lot more money, simply by being themself and sharing their LIFE with the world.


You don’t need the perfect business idea. You just need to be YOU.

I’m not in this for money.
The money is great, but it’s NOT why I do what I do. 
I do this because I get to help people simply by showing up and speaking.
I change lives with the words that come out of my mouth.
I make a difference in the world every day, just be being here and being ME. 

Which makes me sound cocky as hell, but whatever. Maybe I am. Fuck it. 🙂

I can’t do that if I set up a regular “business”, work set business hours, take evenings and weekends off, plus the odd vacation where my content is shared by a robot and not myself. I can’t truly make a massive impact, give others big breakthroughs, by turning on the lights from 9-5 and then turning them off for the rest of the day. I just can’t. 

I see the ads, the posts, the emails: WORK SMARTER, NOT HARDER!

And they make me cringe, because what does that even MEAN? Not trading “dollars for hours”? Meaning you create a bunch of shit, package it up nicely, run some Facebook ads to it, and then go hang out on the beach sipping mojitos? 

Fuck that shit. 
I do NOT want that. And if YOU do, you’re in the wrong place, my friend.

I can be sipping mojitos on the beach AND making money. 
I can be out to dinner, take a few Snaps, maybe even do a livestream, and MAKE MONEY. 
I can be lying in bed at night and I get an inspired offer idea, post it without thinking twice, and make money almost instantly. 
I can be shopping with a friend, share behind the scenes of my vegan shopping haul, and instantly connect with someone who is newly vegan, who then feels a stronger connection to me, eventually buys, and yep, I make money.
I can be celebrating Christmas with my family, and instead of the phone being off, it’s ON all day, I am documenting everything and sharing it, and again, this strengthens the relationship I have with my community, they WANT that inside glimpse to my life, and they get it, fall in love with me more, and I MAKE MORE MONEY.


Don’t you see how this works?

You can make more money being you, living your life, opening your mouth and saying WHAT YOU WANT. 

And I guess what I’m really getting at, is – 

Why would you NOT want this? 

If you don’t want to make a serious impact in the world, if you don’t want to make millions or more, then yeah, go ahead and “work smarter”. But those in this community, those that follow ME, they don’t want to settle for “good enough”. They don’t want to just do “okay”. They want to fucking THRIVE. They want to make a MASSIVE impact, they want to make MASSIVE amounts of money – 

And they do that through showing up and being themselves. Because it’s the ONLY way.


You don’t need a niche. You don’t need a topic. You don’t even need a fucking business name.

You need YOU. That’s it. And you need to show up every day and simply BE you. 

Live your life, regularly share stories and lessons, ask for the sale daily, WORK HARD, and impact more. Earn more. Live more! Build that empire bigger and better every damn day. 

Do you want to occassionally turn off the laptop? Turn off your phone? Well yes, of course. But shut it down completely? For days? Not a chance. 

So this conversation I was having with my husband last night, it just stirred up these thoughts in me. I made it really clear that I don’t “shut it off”. I don’t WANT to shut it off. 

In fact, shutting it off makes me feel sick. Makes me feel angry. Makes me feel uncomfortable.

Vacations to me are new places to get my hustle on. New places to explore. They are just an extention of what I’m already doing.

Holidays, too, are times when, yeah, I usually spend more time with family, but then doesn’t mean I work any less. I’m still up at 4:30am, still journaling and creating, still selling, still engaging, still building & growing my $100 million dollar+ empire. I just get to do it with more family and friends by my side.

I don’t WANT to shut it off. 

This is the time of year when so many people slow down, take it easy, RELAX. 

This is the time of year when I push even HARDER and fly past those that are taking time off and not bothering with their business and community. 

This is when I expand

This is when I grow like crazy

This is when I SMASH through those goals I’ve set for myself that much faster. 

This is when I accomplish the most!

I don’t want to start the new year with a big list of to-do’s and new goals, I want to start the year already ahead of the game. Already making money, already doing more, already increasing awareness to myself and my brand, already making big things happen! 

I don’t want to “start fresh” once a year.

I start fresh DAILY. Every single morning. 

So no – 

I don’t plan to slow down.
I don’t plan to turn it off.
I don’t plan to take time off.
I don’t plan to take a break.

I only plan for more epic shit!

Call me insane for doing what I do, and I’ll call you the same for NOT taking advantage of this amazing opportunity you have to never “work” another day again. Because when you’re showing up every day, being YOU and making money to be you, it hardly feels like work, because it’s not. It’s you, living. 

Why the fuck would you want to stop that?

Don’t forget, you really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!