Is it time to make a change?

Is it time to make a change?

There are going to be times in your life when you know you need to make a change. 

Maybe many changes all at once, or just one change here and there.

But change? It’s inevitable. And it’s not necessarily a bad thing.

There is a change I’ve needed to make for almost a year now. Something that deep down, I know I need to make, but I’ve been scared. Scared of the unknown. Scared about whether or not it will end up costing me a fuckton of money. Scared about how much work it will require to change. Scared about the fact that I just don’t KNOW if it will be worth it to do. 

Well, that’s not true, I suppose, because in my gut, I know I HAVE to do this. 

But it still feels scary. And kind of like I failed. So it’s embarrassing to even admit, which is probably why I haven’t made this change earlier.

I’ve been saying to myself since January of last year that I really despise the name of my group, Babes in Business. I’m just not a “babe” type of girl. That has never really been my thing. I don’t know why I even went with the name BABE when I first started the group.

And now I have an amazing membership site that I love, but with the name “babe” in it.

And I have an apparel and accessory company with the name “babe” in it.

And they just make me feel gross. The name is just SO not me at all and it makes me cringe. 

So today, I decided ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I’m going to make this big, scary change and YES it will be extra work, and YES it will hurt, and YES it makes me feel stupid that I let it go this long without taking action, but I’m doing it. Now. Because if not now, when? Likely never, in my experience.

So the corporation name is changing. 
The membership site name is changing.
The apparel & accessory site name is changing.

It’s just a NAME, but it means more to me than that. It’s my brand. It’s ME. It’s my life. The name is important, so no, it’s not “just” a name.

I’m scheduling a call with my lawyer next week and making this shit HAPPEN. It’s time.

I’m telling you this because I think it’s important for you to realize that change is inevitable. There will be times in your life you need to make a change. You just KNOW when this is the case. 

EMBRACE change, don’t run from it. If you feel that tug, if you feel that scream from your gut, you NEED to take action.

You are not meant to stay in the same place forever. You’re meant to grow, expand, do, be and have bigger and better things, all the time. You were meant for more! Staying the same means staying stick. It means you’ve given up. 

Allow yourself, your relationships, your surroundings to change when you feel that need. 

Maybe it’s time to let go of that unsupportive friend.
Maybe it’s time to change up your business name!
Maybe it’s time to change mentors or programs.
Maybe you need to add new people to your team.
Maybe you need to change your pricing for your services.
Maybe you need a change of scenery in your life (a new home?).

The need for the change means you’re upleveling. You’re taking yourself to new heights. Embrace that!

And yes, sometimes change hurts badly.
Sometimes change is really fucking scary.
Sometimes change is a massive pain in the ass.

Do it anyway. You know, deep down, if you need to make a change. Don’t allow your fears or insecurities to hold you back from doing what is right. 

The longer you wait to make the change you know you need to make, the harder it will be to pull the trigger. Trust me on that one! 

Don’t forget – 

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!