Why I create so many new offers all the time!

Why I create so many new offers all the time!

You know the saying “don’t give people too many options or they’ll get overwhelmed and end up choosing none”? 

It’s total and utter bullshit.

I used to believe it myself, and so I operated my business with the notion that I could never have more than 3 offers available to my community at any given time. And what happened? Sales were slow. 

Sure, I did okay. I made multi-six figures running my business this way. But I wasn’t progressing to the impact and the income that I wanted fast enough for me. My impatience forced me to try launching MORE than just my regular 3 offers at one point. And then, for a month, I launched something new every week, and promoted it, along with my regular 3 offers, weekly. 

And well, that’s when my community grew like wildfire and my income BLEW.THE.FUCK.UP.

My monthly revenue went from $15K to $30K to $50K to $75K and it is still growing! All because of this one simple tweak in my business. All because I stopped listening to what the “experts” were telling me and did what I wanted to instead.

I now regularly launch new offers almost every single week, and since I’m selling DAILY, I can sell these new offers, plus my regular offers, in a way where they are spaced out and appear more exciting to my people. THIS is what stops the overwhelm and boredom from happening.

I’ve found that only having a small amount of offers and promoting only those all the time is what actually overwhelms and BORES people.

I’ve tried to replicate all of the experts for years, in multiple business ventures. I’ve watched them all become successful, and I’ve tried to follow in their footsteps by doing EXACTLY what they did. 

I created similar offers.
I wrote similar copy.
I followed and interacted with similar people.
I launched in a similar way.
I wrote similar emails and blog posts.
I created similar sales pages.
I hosted similar discovery calls.

I wanted to be these people so bad and I thought that doing only what they did would lead me to success and riches

Oh, he’s making $2 million a year with webinars? I’ll start doing more of those!
Oh, she’s got a community of 15,000? I’ll start running my community the same way!
Oh, he’s running a successful podcast? I’ll create a podcast, too!
Oh, she’s spending $5K a month on Facebook ads? I’ll do that!

I read all of their content. I watched all of their videos. I joined all of their programs.

And I still wasn’t getting anywhere. 

What the fuck? 

If they can do it, why can’t I? What’s wrong with me? Maybe I’m just not cut out for this. 

Moving from one method to another was exhausting, and the worst part is that the methods I was trying to mimic were so damn boring I never wanted to work and so I would procrastinate all the time and then rarely accomplish anything exceptional.

I don’t know what made me throw my hands up in the air and say “fuck it!” and start doing things MY way from then on, but it happened. And once I started running my business in a way that worked for ME, everything changed

Now I work with clients I LOVE and not with just anyone
Now I launch multiple offers all the time because I love to create
Now I sell every damn day instead of being scared that people will find that “salesy”
Now I share more pictures and stories about ME instead of only talking about business
Now I charge whatever the fuck I want for my services, without worry that no one will pay my rates

Now I am doing business and living life on my terms, which has resulted in MASSIVE empire growth!

Trying to replicate someone’s results by doing exactly as they do, is never going to help you succeed. Sure, you can follow them and learn from their strategies – 

But doing the EXACT same thing (especially if it’s something you hate), will not lead to a big impact and a big income. Learn from others, yes, but umtimately, trust your GUT in everything you do. Always do what feels good and feels right to you. THAT is how you succeed.