I have some bad news and I have some good news…

I have some bad news and I have some good news…

There’s something I need you to know.

It will probably hurt your feelings and make you feel like shit. But I’m also hoping it will also shake some sense into you because that is truly what you need to happen right now.

You SUCK at sales. 

You suck at making money in your business. You suck at getting people to say YES. You suck at creating new offers.

And you suck and putting everything together and having a profitable business. 

And you want to know who’s fault that us? YOURS. 

This is 100% on YOU. You are the reason things are as shitty as they are right now.

That’s the bad news. 

The good news is that you can turn this all around QUICKLY. You don’t have to suck at sales anymore. You don’t have to make shit money. You can easily change the way you do things in your business so that you’re earning MORE every day.

One thing that I write in my journal every day is this: “I make thousands of dollars every day”. I started writing that a few months ago when my income was sporatic. I’d have a $5,000 day, then a $47 day, then a $1.497 day, then a $298 day, then a $13,000 day, then a $3,200 day.. and so on and so forth.

I was sick of my money being all over the place. 

Now, for the last month, I’ve been making a minimum of $1,000 almost every single day. This didn’t just happen because I set the intention, but because I actually DID THE WORK to get those results. I’m now getting more specific and claiming at least $2,000 every day. 

Making money is SO FUCKING EASY. Why are you making it so hard? 

If I hear one more person tell me they need to “manifest the money” before they invest in themself, I am going to SCREAM. Want to know how to manifest money? YOU ASK FOR THE FUCKING MONEY. All day, every day, until you get it.

You don’t just sit there thinking about it and hoping it will happen, maybe throwing out an offer here and there, but never following up or pushing harder.

You need to push HARDER.

You need to be RELENTLESS in getting what you want.

You don’t take no for an answer. 
You don’t give up. 
You don’t complain that this is hard. 

No, it’s NOT hard. You’re just too busy bitching and whining about where you currently are instead of focusing on where you want to be and then taking action every day to GET YOURSELF THERE. 

Tired of hearing NO’s all the time? DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Learn a better way to sell so that you always hear YES instead.

Tired of no one commenting or liking your posts on Facebook? Boo-fucking-hoo, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. 

Sales is EASY.
Creating offers is EASY.
Making money is EASY.

What’s not easy? Doing the easy work. What’s EASY, and what most people choose to do, is to complain about the easy work being too hard instead of getting the easy work done so they can get the RESULTS.

They’re lazy. Plain and simple. They would rather complain instead of doing what’s necessary.

Do you want to live like the 1%-2% of the populartion that enjoys life on THEIR OWN terms? Then you need to ACT like the 1%-2% by getting up every day, doing the work, asking for the sale, and never stopping.

I promise you that this shit is not difficult. If I can create a multi-six figure business with 2 young kids at home, SO CAN YOU. You just need to do the work, do it well, and be consistent in making things happen every single day.