Standing up for yourself & fighting for you want – do you know how?

Standing up for yourself & fighting for you want – do you know how?

Let’s just be honest –

There are people who are cut out to be an entrepreneur and there are people who aren’t.

That’s the truth.

Being an entrepreneur is a 24/7/365 for the rest of your life kind of gig and that EXCITES an entrepreneur. That’s what they WANT.

The late nights

The early mornings

The constant working

True, passionate, SUCCESSFUL entrepreneurs crave being busy with their work all the time. They don’t want to stop.

They know how important it is to show up, day in and day out, bring value to their community, and to ask for the sale. They know that the more money they make, the more of an impact they can make and the more lives they can change.

And so they’re hungry for the sale.

So they work. All day, every day, day after day, for the rest of their life. Because they can’t NOT.

There are a bunch of people telling you that you can be successful without working all the time - and they’re right, to an extent. If you are comfortable being comfortable, then yes, you can work certain hours, only on certain days, only doing certain work.

And you can be successful. But don’t expect to be making millions and changing the lives of millions, working that way.

Passive income, sales funnels, automatic income - that stuff is all great, and yes it SHOULD be a part of your plan, but it certainly isn’t everything.

When I think of passive income, I get excited for about .5 seconds, and then I feel bored. Like, what the fuck would I do with myself if I didn’t *need* to work?

I’d be bored as shit! This is the same reason I will never retire. I love my work so much that taking a short BREAK makes me antsy.

And sure, you want to be able to take a bit of time off, you want to be able to travel and not be glued to your laptop, you want to be able to ignore your phone for a full day every once in awhile.

And you can do all of those things, but you don’t want it that often, or for that wrong, or you, too, start getting antsy.

Because let’s face it –

Without our work, we are nothing. And so we make time to sit down every day and work on our business. On our lives. On our message to the world.

And each day we do that, we end the day feeling recharged (that’s right, our WORK is what recharges us!), proud of ourselves, and just a little bit richer (or a lot, depending on what you did that day!).

We are the true born leaders of the world, and this is because we DECIDED it would happen and decided we were worth it and able.

We decided that we were the #bestofthebest and we weren’t going to stop just because someone told us we “work too much”.

“Why don’t you take a break?”

“You’re always working!”

“Can’t you just stop for awhile?”

These people aren’t leaders. They don’t understand leadership and they never will.

Successful, happy, and POWERFUL leaders work on themselves and their business every second of every day, forever and always.

They think about their work in the shower, driving the car, at social events they felt obligated to attend (but didn’t want to).

They DREAM about their work. It’s the first thing on their mind when they wake up and the last thing on their mind when they go to bed.

True leaders and successful entrepreneurs hustle their ass off all day, every day, not because they have to, but because they WANT TO.

Because they know that their life would be insanely BORING if they didn’t. Because they wouldn’t feel satisfied. Because they wouldn’t feel complete.

And these leaders and entrepreneurs also know that if they are not continually investing in themselves, both financially and otherwise, they will not be as successful as they plan to do.

And so they make those investments –

They invest in their health

They invest in their relationships

They invest in their business

They spend the time and the money without thinking twice because they know the value of investing.

They know that without mentors, coaches, and spending a fuck ton of TIME on themselves and their work, they won’t be able to impact as many people as they want, and they sure as hell won’t make the MONEY they want.

They spend THOUSANDS on personal development, on private mentorship, on programs that can help them shorten the learning curve so the money starts coming in FASTER.

They put in the blood, the sweat, the TEARS to be successful.

And so THEY ARE.

If you KNOW you were born to be a leader, to be successful, to impact and make hundreds of thousands (or more), you need to make those investments in yourself.

And you need to work like crazy, not because it’s necessary, but because you WANT TO. Because you love it THAT much.

Then, and only then, will you be able to call yourself successful.