Some days you’re gonna want to give up. 

Some days you’re gonna scream and cry and throw your hands up in the air, screaming FUCK IT at the top of your lungs. 

Some days nothing is gonna make sense at all. 

Some days you’ll be confused, scared, overwhelmed, and just plain fed up.

Some days you won’t want to keep going. 

And these days? All of these days? They’re TESTS. Remember that. You’re being tested to see if what you asked for is REALLY what you want. 

Are you REALLY willing to endure the bad times so you can experience the good times?

Are you REALLY willing to do what’s hard, what’s scary, what’s unknown, so you can enjoy reaching your goals?

I wish I could lie to you and say that building an empire is easy. I would I could just say “do what you love and and the money will come” - because yeah NO, that isn’t even CLOSE to being true. 

You know how you get to experience success? Let’s break it down – 


Here we go:

1. Be willing to get dirty. Do the hard work. Put in the HUSTLE, the heart, the grinding it out until you get what you want.

2. Take responsibility for where you are. No one is responsible for your success OR your failures except for you. So stop blaming your boss, the government, your partner… it’s on YOU to find success and live it.

Do what you need to do and fuck anyone who tries to get in your way.

3. Get yourself out there, all day, every day. Don’t try to hide, don’t try to be someone you’re not. Show up every day, everywhere! If they can’t see you, they can’t learn from you and hire you. Don’t miss out on opportunities to be out there even MORE.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, they’re all obvious. But let’s not forget about YouTube, Snapchat, Twitter LIVE, interviews, Amazon (if you write anyway, may as well write some books and stick ’em on Amazon!), LinkedIn, there are so many opportunities to be more visible and I guarantee you’re missing at least one of them.

4. Experience the power of getting everything out of your head and on paper. Journal, daily. Ideally first thing in the morning. Get those thoughts out of your head. Get intimate with yourself and ask questions. What do you need to say today? Who do you need to be to feel a certain way? Why are you struggling? What do you really want? What are your intentions for the day?

Get it ALL OUT and watch how clear and receptive you feel afterwards. It’s a practice everyone needs to implement.

5. Write more. Speak more. Create more. There’s a reason people say content is king, and that’s because IT IS. Without content, you have nothing to show people that you’re the expert. You have nothing to use to position yourself as the best. You have nothing to sell, even!

Make content creation a regular part of your every day and remember: the more content you put out there, the more lives you will change, and the more money you will have. Don’t forget, content isn’t just writing a blog post or sending an email. Content is short videos, livestreams, written posts (long and short), emails, interviews, and everything in between.

Really, EVERYTHING can be content!

6. Learn from the best. Hire the best, work with the best, commit to BEING the best! When you’re trying to do everything yourself to save money or keep more of the profits for yourself, you’re holding yourself back from further growth, you’re stopping yourself from going bigger FASTER.

Not only can you make more money and reach more people by imvesting in support, but doing so also allows you to focus only on what you love and are good at. Invest in high-level mentors that can kick your ass AND give you loving support, hire team members that will make your life easier, do what you need to do to elevate yourself and be the person who gets big results quickly. 

7. Lean into, not away from, fear and uncertainty. 9 times out of 10, if something scares you or makes you feel uncomfortable, it’s probably something you need to do! In fact, it’s DEFINITELY something you need to do! You will never regret doing things that feel uncomfortable or scare the shit out of you because you ALWAYS learn something from the experience. So even if things don’t go the way you want, you still gain what you learned!

Nothing ever comes to those who play it safe, only to those that dream big and take chances.

8. Engage, engage, engage. On a daily basis you need to be showing up, present, speaking to your audience (as well as your friends, collegues, potential partners, collaborators & clients, your community, those in the media - everyone!).

The more you show up, the more content you give, and the more present you are on a daily CONSISTENT basis, the bigger you and your message will become and the more successful you will feel and BE!

9. Embrace failure. Let’s face it: In life, you’re going to fail a bunch of times. As is true with business. You will have a lot of ideas that seem amazing, where you put in a shit-ton of work and are really excited about them, but then they completely bomb. No one cares. There is zero interest. You’ve lost thousands of dollars and a ton of time. Get used to it.

This is just part of the game, baby! Just because you’ve failed a few times, doesn’t mean you’re a failure. Truthfully? The more you fail, the closer you are to hitting a home run!

10. One foot in front of the other, every day. Don’t slow down, not even for a second. Don’t allow yourself to take your eye off the prize. Keep moving forward every day, even if all you can muster is one tiny step. As long as that step is doing forward and not backwards, you’re good.

Keep up the consistency, trust in yourself and your abilities, believe that what you want is already done, and now you’re just running to catch up with it. All day, every day, it’s one foot in front of the other. Don’t stop.

I wish I could tell you that entrepreneurship is a breeze. That it won’t hurt. That it won’t be challenging. That everyday you WON’T wonder what the fuck you’re doing.

But I’d be lying. 

This is why not everyone is an entrepreneur. If it was easy, everyone we know would be an entrepreneur millionaire or better. 

The truth is that not everyone can live this life. Not everyone WANTS to live this life. And while I simply don’t understand that mentality because it is SO ingrained in me, I can respect it. 

But let me tell you this – 

If you’re not willing to put in the 100-hour work-weeks 
If you’re not willing to make sacrifices
If you’re not willing to do the work
If you’re not willing to hustle and grind all the live long day
If you’re not willing to BE THE BEST, no matter what
If you’re not willing to show up and make shit happen

Then what the fuck are you doing here?



You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!