Did it happen again today?

Did it happen again today?

Sometimes I wonder if getting up early is necessary, especially on weekends. 

My brain fights me, telling me, “it’s the weekend, it’s okay to sleep in a little!”, and my gut tries to scream louder that “you will regret it if you sleep in even 5 minutes later than normal!”.

And every day, it’s a constant struggle of back and forth. Who’s gonna win? 

I’m always weighing the pros and cons of each, even though I just KNOW the right answer for me. I know that waking up early is ALWAYS the best idea, is always what I SHOULD do, is always what will make me happiest in the end. But every day, I still weigh the pros and cons. Every day I still have someone or something telling me it’s OKAY to go the other way.

Every morning I sleep in even 5 minutes later than normal, I regret it. Every time. 

Every morning that I let my head win over my gut, I regret it.

Every morning when I turn my alarm off and roll over for “5 more minues” (that turn into 60 or more), I regret it.

Because I know that, for me, I NEED to be awake early. I NEED that silent, private time in the morning, whether it’s the weekend or a weekday, it doesn’t matter.

I know that when I wake up early, I accomplish more, I have lots of time with my journal (which shapes the way my day ends up), I have more time with my money work (which allows me to bring in more), I have more time with my writing and my message (which produces better work that connects with my community more).

I know that I’m a more present mom, a more present wife, a more present friend, when I get done what I need to get done for ME, before everyone else wakes up and fights for my attention. 

But each morning, the fight between my head and my gut continues. Each morning I must choose to do what I know is right for me, regardless of what or who tries to stop me! 

This is the thing – 

You will be tested.
You will be tricked.
You will be teased.

There are always going to be obstacles.

There are always going to be people standing in your way, blocking your path to what you want.

There are always going to be times when you feel like maybe, just MAYBE, it’s okay to step back. To not push so hard. To take a break. To give UP, even! And if you give in to these feelings, to these suggestions from others, you’re DONE.

That’s it. 
Pack your bags and call it quits. 
It’s over.

The hardest fucking part of being an entrepreneur, a badass biz babe with big dreams and goals, is pushing through that resistance. Is carrying on, even when things feel scary, hard, frustrating. It’s punching fear in the face and doing what you were born to do. 

It’s ignoring everything and everyone that’s trying to stop you, and sometimes, this is yourself!

You have to KNOW that you were born for more.
You have to KNOW that you’re here to change the world.
You have to KNOW that you’re here to make a difference.

You have to KNOW and BELIEVE 100% that this moment right now is YOUR moment. Only you get to choose your next move. Your emotions don’t mean shit. Whether you WANT TO or not, you need to do what you know is right. What you feel in your GUT is exactly what you need to do. 

And sometimes, that “right move” doesn’t look right on paper. 

Maybe you know you need to invest in someone or something, but you don’t have all of the money and it feels like a bad idea for you to invest. You think maybe you need to get a few new clients first. You just need to bring in more money before you invest another dime. How reckless of you to spend money you don’t have! How irresponsible of you to commit to spending any more money! 

On paper, that investment is a HELL NO. Of COURSE not! How COULD you?

Your head is 100% against the idea. But in your gut, you know. You just KNOW that this is what you need to do. You know you will regret it forever if you don’t JUMP. You know that when the opportunity is gone, you’ll be kicking yourself. Your gut is a HELL YES, and fuck the rules, go and get what you know you want and need! 

And it’s that constant struggle, isn’t it?

Who do I listen to? My head? My heart? My gut?


And, to you, I say this – 

Your head is rational. It’s trying to do what seems “right”. 
Your heart is emotional. It plays on whatever you are feeling.
Your gut plays on zero emotions, does not try to rationalize anything.
Your gut just KNOWS. Your gut is EVERYTHING. If more people started listening to their gut instead of their parents, their partners, their heads – 

The world would be a better place.

I know what happens when I listen to my head. When I try to do the “right” thing. When I do what’s “responsible”. What happens is that everything looks good on paper, but in my heart, I feel empty. My soul is crying. I hate myself. I regret every fucking decision I make with my head, my heart, or by listening to others.

My gut, on the other hand, has all the right answers. It knows EXACTLY what I need to do. And so does yours. Listen to it, and I promise that everything you want will work out perfectly, the way it’s MEANT to be (which could be 10x better than you expect).

Don’t forget – 

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!