What if you just went for it?

What if you just went for it?

What if – 

Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, you focus on what you want

What if you decided that you were just gonna go for it – 

And then you did?

Do you think miracles would start happening for you? Do you believe your life would be better off? Do you trust that everything you want would be provided for you?

Because let me tell you:

Once you let go of the bullshit excuses that are holding you back and you allow yourself to simply go all in and chase what you want, you WILL get it. There’s just no other outcome that is possible. 

Take a look at all of the successful people you admire and look up to. I am willing to bet that they actively chased down every single thing they ever achieved. Successful people don’t wait for any handouts. 

They GO AFTER WHAT THEY WANT. With everything they’ve got. They dedicate their life to their dreams. 

And that’s what you need to do, too. You need to commit to what you want, and then dedicate your life to making it happen

Do you know what the #1 goal is in the world, wanted by billions of people? It’s to BE HAPPY. And the only way you can truly be happy is to live a life you love. 

A life full of passion
A life of accomplishments
A life of proud moments
A life of adventure
A life of freedom
A life of having everything you want, and still receiving more and more each day

The funny thing is – 

We all have the ability to achieve what we want. YOU have the power to create the exact reality, the exact DREAM life that you desire. You can start today. You can start NOW. And you can have it!

So long as you’re willing to give your life for it. 

I’m not at all saying you need to sacrifice anything else that you love. You don’t need to neglect your family to make the money you want. There’s no reason to work harder than you have to. And you certaintly don’t need to do a bunch of shit you HATE in order to have what you want.

But you must give it your all. Your everything. 

Your business should not be something outside of you. There is no business AND life. There’s life, with a business in it! Your business should be your life, meaning you make money simply for being you and sharing your message with the world. You don’t make money in your business, and then take a break from your business to go and do life stuff – 


They are all intertwined. 

They all go together. It is all ONE. 

I had someone ask me how I balance work and family time the other day. It took me a full 30 seconds to stop rolling my eyes. It’s exhausing have to explain this all the time, but I know I need to educate people on this simple truth: 

You CAN get paid to be you! 

You can get paid to share your message, whatever that message may be.
You can get paid to share your beliefs.
You can get paid to share your passions.
You can get paid to talk about what you want. 
You can get paid to be opinionated and “out there”.

Of course, not EVERYONE can get paid to be themselves.

You have to, of course, be INTERESTING. 

I’m sorry, but if you’re living a boring life, no one gives a shit about how you life, what your beliefs are, or what your message is. 

People want to be entertained. They want to be inspired. And you can’t entertain and inspire people if you’re boring as hell.

So I guess the real question to ask yourself now is: “Am I interesting?” And if you’re not, well, hey, you’re not. Either GET interesting, or move on and get yourself a regular J-O-B so that all of the non-interesting people can stay together. 

It may sound like I’m being a total diva bitch right now, but I’m not even sorry. I’m not here to make nice. I’m here to tell the truth. And sometimes the truth is hard to hear. But the truth WILL set you free.

Stop trying to fit in.
Stop trying to be like everybody else.
Stop trying to please every single person. 

Get over the fact that not everyone is going to like you. In fact, haters are a sign that you’re doing everything right. They’re a sign that you’re making an impact with your message. The more “hate mail” you get, the more content you need to throw out there! 

I mean, you should be throwing content out there all day, every day anyway, but when the haters come around and start yapping, you shut them up by throwing more content at them. They are the FUEL to your fire. “Keep it coming”, is my motto when it comes to haters. 🙂

Speaking of which – 

I was out for dinner yesterday at a vegan restaurant (of course) and my husband and I were talking about the controversial artwork that’s all over the walls there, basically making fun of non-vegans and how they’re total hypocrites for their beliefs (don’t even get me started…).

He mentioned that the woman who does the artwork has an Instagram account where she posts a new piece of artwork (drawings) every day. He joked that she gets a ton of negative comments from non-vegans – 

Which, would hurt some people. Break their little hearts. Make them feel so sad and upset that someone didn’t like what they had to say.

But this woman turns around and uses those negative comments and turns them into MORE artwork – 
Which makes her more money
Which allows her to share her message with even more money

Meaning: The haters helped her. THANKS, HATERS! MORE, PLEASE!

Anyway – 

The point I’m trying to make here is that you need to get out of the mindset of needing to be this perfect business person, with the perfect business plan, and the perfect product, and the perfect website and the perfect WHATEVER – 

And you need to just DO.

Do the work that matters. Every day. 

Share your message
Communicate with your audience
Create incredible content
Sell your community what they need
Be controversial when it feels right
Share your LIFE, your beliefs, your stories
Be open, honest and vulnerable
Grow your community
Create more incredible content
Sell them more of what they need
Connect with influencers
Give, give, and give even more

Be of service to your community. Be of service to those you know you were born to serve. The more you give, the more you will then receive. 

But it all starts with making one big decision: 

“I will do WHATEVER it takes to succeed.”

Define what “success” means to you, make that big decision, and then go out there and GET IT! 

Your dream life starts now. Start doing more of what you love. Start asking for more of what you want. Start doing the work necessary to get it. And start expecting it to happen right before your very eyes.

And then BOOM.

It does.