How to Launch Like a BOSS and sell every day!

How to Launch Like a BOSS and sell every day!

It blows my mind when I follow someone new and I check out their social media profiles and notice they AREN’T SELLING ME ANYTHING.

I mean… aren’t you in BUSINESS? 

I want to learn from you and all you’re providing me with is your once a day FB post update that isn’t even truly THAT helpful?

Where’s the course? 
The workshop?
The mentoring?
The classes?
The programs?

LET ME BUY FROM YOU! I want to buy from you!

I used to be of the belief that the more you sell, the more of a selfish asshole you are. I have since moved over to the other side of the coin: 

You’re a selfish asshole if you’re NOT selling!

Think about it:

You have all of this knowledge inside of you.
You know exactly how to do something that someone else has no clue how to accomplish (but wants to).
Just by opening your mouth and speaking, you can help someone. 

And you’re choosing NOT to?


That, right there, is the definition of a selfish asshole. 🙂

And I know what you’re thinking..

“But Cassie, I do help my community! I just don’t charge for it. That’s not being selfish, that’s being generous.”


Yes, of course you want to give free, VALUABLE content to your community. You want to do this all the time. You want to give an ABUNDANCE of it! But the truth is that most people won’t take action on what you teach them to do, because they’re not fully committed. 

They spend $0, and you teach them how to achieve _______ (something they want) in 6 weeks.
They spend $500, and you teach them how to achieve ______ (something they want) in 6 weeks.

Who do you think will get better results? The person who invests nothing or the person who has money on the line? 

For sure there are some people that are true hustlers and they WILL do the work without making a financial investment, simply because they want it SO DAMN BAD, but those people are few and far between.

When I hired my first coach, I put $6,000 that I didn’t have on a credit card. 

I was broke as fuck. 

I NEEDED it to work. But I also knew that I wouldn’t be able to do it on my own and I knew I needed some added pressure to make sure I made shit happen. So I made that investment. I jumped in. 

And fucking hell, I hustled my ass off more than I ever have before. And by the end of 6 months with my coach, I had built up a community of THOUSANDS of raving fans, and brought in over $90,000 in cash. 

I wouldn’t have taken such serious action if I didn’t have money on the line.

My coach did me a favor by making me pay her. And it’s been the same with every coach and mentor I’ve hired since! I am GRATEFUL that they charge me, and I am willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars for just a few WEEKS of support, simply because I know that with so much money on the line I won’t get lazy and complacent and will actually hit my goals!

So here’s the thing – 

Launch Fear.

Launch fear is a real thing! So many people are terrified to launch and sell and I’ll tell you right now: 

If that’s you, boss up and GET OVER IT. 

Because no one is successful in business if they’re not regularly launching and selling to their community. FACT. Accept it.

Want to know how to launch like a boss and bring in the sales with ease, on the regular? Here’s how:

STEP 1: Mind work.
Get out your trusty journal (what’s that? you don’t journal? we can’t be friends…) and ask yourself what you need to create. What does your community really need right now? What do you need to release? What do you need to let out and share?

STEP 2: Outline.
Once you’ve decided on an idea of WHAT to sell, put together the bones of the offer. The outline. What kind of offer is it? A workshop? A 12 week program? A 1-year mentorship? What topics will you cover? What will the structure be like? What are the benefits for your customers/clients? What kind of results can they expect if they sign up and and implement what they learn? 

STEP 3: Goals and objectives. 
Figure out how long you want your launch to be, including the teaser portion. I always aim for around 5-10 days. I’ve done longer launches and they do okay, but I tend to get bored of the offer by that point, so for me, 10 days max is usually what I’ll do for my launches. Also, set your goals for the launch. How many people do you want to sign up? Do you have a VIP option? How many VIPs do you want? How much ($$$) do you want to bring in, in cash, from this launch?

STEP 4: Be a tease.
Let your community know that something exciting is coming. You can tell them exactly what it is or not (I’ve found it better to tell them what to expect). The point is just to get them excited. If they’re not excited about it before it’s officially available, they won’t be excited about it when you finally offer it for sale. Ideally 1-3 days of teasing is great. 

STEP 5: Release it into the world.
Repeat after me: DONE IS BETTER THAN PERFECT. Don’t try to polish every part of your offer to make it sparkle. The perfect sales page, the perfect video promos, the perfect sales emails - they don’t freakin’ matter. What matters to a potential client is this: “will this help me get _____ (what they want)?”. So make sure you clearly explain the benefits/results they will experience. 

STEP 6: Hustle the hell out of that launch.
Keep your goals in mind at all times, and don’t stop with the launch hustle until you hit them. Every day, promote your offer in multiple ways: Facebook posts, livestreams, sales emails, valuable content with CTA for offer, Snapchat clips, personal outreach to perfect & ideal customers. Get creative. Aim to sell at least 10 times EVERY DAY. 

There you go. 

That’s how to launch like a boss. That’s how I launch. Every time.

And that’s how I generate thousands of dollars every time I do it. 

Am I scared? Of course. Every time. But I do it anyway. I sell, sell, sell, because you deserve it. You deserve to have access to this knowledge I have that I KNOW will help you. 

And so I will continue to offer it to you. 

I will continue to launch and sell new programs, workshops and other offers that I know will give you insane value for your investment.

And I highly recommend you do the same. 

If you truly care about your audience and want to help them, you will create, launch and sell regularly. You will put out multiple offers so that you can help them, no matter which level they’re at. 

Give value. Yes. 
Give even more value and charge for it. Help those who are COMMITTED and will do what’s necessary to get the results they want.

Be the example. 

Show up, sell. Offer the solution to their problems. Be their lifesaver. 

Get over your fears of being “salesy” or offending people for selling “too much”. You can’t be salesy if you’re giving value along with your offer. Focus on the value first, then the offer (both at the same time, not done separately). Who in their right mind gets offended by you offering them something they need, while also giving them FREE support and value? 

Douchebags, that’s who. People you don’t want in your circle anyway. 

And keep in mind that the more you launch, the more chances you have to make money and help more people. Because when you fill up an entire month (or longer) with one single launch, and it’s for something not everyone in your community needs, you’re missing an opportunity to reach the other people that need something different.

Spread your wings.

Release the death grip you have on comfort and start creating and selling more. 

Different things. Different price points. Different pain points & benefits.

Reach people where they are. And remember that not everyone needs the same support. So offer more!

Of course, don’t throw shit up and call it a launch, if the stuff you’re selling is crap. You need to be selling HIGH QUALITY content that genuinely will help people with a problem or desire they have. 

You must OVER-DELIVER. You must give way more than is expected of you. 

You can’t deliver shit. 
You must deliver quality.

And the more quality you launch and sell, the more people you help, the more of an impact you have, and yes, the more money you make. 

Sounds like a pretty sweet deal, right? 

Time to put on your hustle pants and launch like a BOSS