What have you done today?

What have you done today?

There are certain things you must do every day if you want to grow your community, make an impact and increase the amount of money you earn. 

And the problem is that most people either don’t do these things, or don’t do them consistently, which of course leads to failure to some degree! And we can’t have that, now can we?

If you’re going through the day without a list-of must-do tasks either written down or in your head (or both, ideally!), you are likely to forget something important, which will sabotage your success in a big way. 

So my question to you today is: “What have you done today?”

What have you done to increase your income?
What have you done to grow your community?
What have you done to share your message?
What have you done to establish strong connections and relationships?
What have you done to improve your skill-set?

In short: What have you done to up-level your life?

Like I said, there are certain things that you absolutely MUST do every day.

Here are 7 of them:

#1. Share your message.

First off: What IS your message and why is it important? 

Why does it mean so much to you? And why should it mean so much to your followers? 

Once you’ve got that nailed down, you need to share this message every single day, all day long, in a variety of ways. Infuse your message into ALL of your content: your blog posts, your livestreams, your photos, your videos, your emails, your social media posts, the conversations you have 1:1 with people. 

If people don’t know who you are or what you stand for, they won’t follow, like and buy from you.

#2. Set the intentions.

Each year, each month, each week and each day you need to set strong intentions around what you want to accomplish in your life. 

Not goals, INTENTIONS. Meaning, “this is what I’m going to get” instead of “I’d really LIKE to get” (which often leads to you trying to figure out HOW to get it, which messes with your flow of things, instead just considering it DONE and then acting accordingly).

Set intentions for your content. What will you create today?
Set intentions for your community. How will you grow your community this week/day/month?
Set intentions for your health. What kind of exercise will you do? Did you plan a menu for the week/buy healthy groceries?
Set intentions for your money. How much do you want to make this week/month/today? 
Set intentions for your self-care. What will you do for self-care today?

Set intentions for EVERYTHING that is important to you, and then keep your focus on them at all times, constantly taking action.

#3. Don’t pretend that you know it all.

No one knows it all. Everyone is learning and learning is important!

Make sure you spend time learning every day, even if it’s just for 15-30 minutes a day where you read a few chapters of a book, or listen to a short podcast episode. 

Join programs and work with mentors who you can engage with daily to ensure you’re always learning and being held accountable to get done what you need to get done to get the results you desire. 

Don’t forget: The more you learn, the more you earn! So if you want to make more money, make your education a #1 priority. (I’m not saying to go back to school, though!)

#4. Ask for the sale. 

It drives me crazy when I hear people complain that they’re not making money, only to find out that they practically NEVER offer anything for sale to their audience. 

Uh.. how do you expect to make money if you’re not asking for the sale?? (FYI: You can’t!)

Let me make this super obvious, in case it isn’t already: Your audience WANTS to buy from you. If you’re sharing your message and sharing quality content all day long, there are going to be a handful of people that want to work with you more closely and learn even more. 

Whether that’s with private coaching, group programs, membership sites, workshops, or any other type of offer you have available, if you provide valuable content to your community, there will always be a bunch of them that want to go to the next level with you. 

At some point, people tend to get sick of the free stuff and want to go all the way. 😉 

So every day, make sure that you’re asking for the sale in some way. This can be a Facebook post with free content and then a CTA at the end of the post where you’re promoting a current offer. Or it can be a simple sales email that you send to your list. Or it can be following up with a potential client and asking how you can support them now. Or it can be any other way you’d like!

The point is just to ASK FOR THE FREAKIN’ SALE! Repeatedly.

#5. Become obsessed with what you want.

This is an absolute MUST and anyone who disagrees is flat out WRONG. 🙂

Obsession is not a bad thing unless you’re obsessed with dangerous shit, such as drugs and the like! But obsession with achieving your dreams? Nope, nothing wrong with that!

Figure out what the hell it is you want. Get crystal clear. Every single area of your life and business. WHAT.DO.YOU.WANT?

Then, become OBSESSED with making it happen. I tend to make it a game for myself, which makes it even more fun! I set a big goal and then break it down into smaller goals, and whenever I achieve a small goal, I get some type of “prize”, and when I hit a big goal, I get to buy myself something extravagant that I want, such as business class plane tickets and a fun getaway, or a new vehicle, or whatever. 

Have something that you’re working towards at all times!

And if you’re not currently OBSESSED with what you’re trying to create/build/receive, then it’s probably not what you really want and you should drop it immediately and figure out what it is that you DO desire enough to be obsessed with!

#6. Do your freakin’ mindset work!

Stop skipping this or rushing through it. 

No other task you do is more important than making sure you’re in the right frame of mind before you get into your day. 

Spend time every single day doing the internal work. I love journaling because I’ve found it to be the best way for me to create what I want in the shortest amount of time. It also helps me to get rid of any mindset blocks that are holding me back from achieving what I want to achieve. 

Maybe you do yoga, or meditation, or visualization, or a combination. It doesn’t matter (except I really do believe everyone should incorporate journaling into their morning routine). Just do SOMETHING where you give yourself that time to go within and pull out what’s inside of you: your dreams, your big vision, your desires.

Spend a minimum of 30 minutes every day working on your mindset, first thing in the morning. Yes, before you check your emails. Before you get on social media. Before you do ANYTHING. Mindset work first!

I typically spend 60 minutes journaling in the morning, sometimes longer, and then I will often journal again in the evening or throughout the day, if I need to reflect on something, brainstorm, let out my frustrations, call in more of what I want, etc.

To be honest.. any excuse to journal and I will take it! I’m often known to have “journaling days”, where I honestly spend the entire day completely shut off from the world, nose buried deep in my journals, writing, writing, and writing some more.

My point here is: Do the mindset work. Every day. No excuses. There is no other task more important than this one.

#7. Pay attention to your money.

One of the life rules I live buy is that if you want something to improve, you must give it your attention. So if you want your money situation to improve, you need to pay attention to your money.

Spend time every day to review your finances. 

How much money did you spend the day before? How much money did you receive? Track it!

What is your current net worth? How has it changed in the last 24 hours/week/month/year? Track it!

What is your money goal for the day? How much money to you intend (set the intention!) to bring in today? 

Where is the bulk of your money coming from? How can you increase that number? 

Where are the bulk of your expenses going? How can you lower that number? 

What are you investing in? Are you making great returns on those investments? Track them!

How much debt do you have still to pay off? Have you set up an automatic debt-repayment plan so you don’t have to stress about it?

Don’t stick your head in the sand when it comes to your finances. Pay attention! Only then do you have the knowledge necessary to actually do something to improve your money situation.

These are 7 daily non-negotiables for anyone looking to improve their life. 

Remember that if you don’t currently like where you are now, you have the ability to change your situation. 

Don’t waste your day, mindlessly doing things you “think” you should be doing. 

Spend your time wisely, on the stuff that will actually make a difference in your well-being. I know that once I started focusing on these 7 things, and I made them NON-NEGOTIABLE in my life (even when I’m sick, even when I have a lot on my plate, even when I don’t feel like it), everything in my life improved. 

And everything continues to improve the more I continue to focus on these 7 areas. 

If you know what you want and you don’t yet have it, look at your daily routine. Track your time for 2-3 days straight, making note of EVERY single task you do, no matter how insignificant it may seem (including going to the bathroom, sleeping, etc.), and see where the gaps are. 

Where are you wasting time? 

Where could you be more efficient and productive? 

Where could you improve? 

And then, tweak your daily routines so you’re getting all of your non-negotiables DONE