When is it going to be enough?

When is it going to be enough?

When are you finally going to surrender to what you want?

When are you going to let go of everything that’s holding you back?

When are you going to stop making excuses for your lack of success?

Enough is enough!

You are destined to do great things and live an extraordinary VIP life, but not until you cut the crap and stop sabbotaging yourself.

Admit it: 

You’ve been complaining
You’ve been neglecting
You’ve been giving up
You’ve been stopping
You’ve been questioning your abilities

But still, deep down, you’re just like me: 

You KNOW you were born to do MASSIVE things in the world. You KNOW you were born to make millions of dollars and impact millions of people. You KNOW you were born to live life on your own terms, work for YOURSELF only, travel the globe, and live a VIP lifestyle. 

People like us get a bad reputation. 

We’re workaholics
We’re selfish
We’re greedy AF
We’re self-absorbed
We’re all about the money
We have no life

Just because we’re PASSIONATE about our work. Just because we’ve learned how to monetize ourselves and so to others, it appears we’re working all the time (when really, we’re just LIVING and getting paid for it). Just because we refuse to conform and be normal. Just because we’re us!

And you know what?

People won’t like you no matter how good of a person you are, so you might as well be whoever the hell you WANT to be! If that means being seen as a self-absorbed workaholic, so be it!

So again I ask you: 

When is it going to be enough? When will you finally allow yourself to drop your bullshit excuses and do the work necessary to get the results you want? To live the life you want? To HAVE whatever you want?

What needs to happen in order for you to finally say enough is enough and dive in head first?

The unfortunate truth is that less than 1% of the population will ever be massively successful. Most people will go through life living a mediocre life, at best, always dreaming about what “could have” been, had they just stepped up and made the decision to ask more of themselves.

You and I, we have big dreams. We know we were put on this earth for a BIG reason.

You know you haven’t been doing enough. And I’ll be the first to admit that I haven’t put forth the effort needed to create what I wanted to create this year, either. There are definitely some things I slacked on, didn’t give enough attention to, or ignored all-together. 

But one thing I HAVE done, is go after what I want with extreme force. I may not have done everything in my power, but I focused on my big goals every day, and did at least one task to move me a step closer to achieving each one.

And that’s the thing – 

You have to be 1000% committed to your goals, to the point of being OBSSESSED. 

You have to eat, drink and sleep with your goals. Your goals are the first thing you think about in the morning and the last thing you think about at night. They’re what drive you, what motivate you, what kick your ass into showing up daily and doing the work.

The only problem is, you haven’t been doing ENOUGH work.

You haven’t been treating your goals as life or death, MUST DO tasks. 

And that’s honestly the only way to really achieve your goals, especially if you want to do so in a short period of time.


Do this for every goal you set, no matter what it is. 

Keep pushing until the goal is reached.

But first – 

It all starts with this – 

Deciding that you’re done fucking around. Being seriously committed to doing WHATEVER it takes to smash your goals! 

>> Working late into the night and getting up before the sun
>> Hiring the best of the best to support you, regardless of cost
>> Doing the things that are scary because you know they will benefit you
>> Spending your time on the internal work (mindset) in addition to the external work
>> Spending however much money as you need to spend to succeed, regardless of if you have it or not (yes, I believe debt can be a GREAT thing when chasing your goals!)
>> Putting in as much work as it takes, no matter what

So again I ask you, – 

When is it going to be enough? 

Are you ready to ACTUALLY achieve your goals this time around?

Do you KNOW that this is your time?

Are you DONE fucking around?

Then get out there and do what’s necessary! Put in the work and don’t let anyone tell you that it can’t be done. Stay in your own lane, keep your eye on the prize, and every day, keep moving forward. 

Don’t forget – 

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!