What the hell happened to your FIRE?

What the hell happened to your FIRE?

Can I ask you a question? WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOUR FIRE?  You know, the one that burned so strongly inside of you that you would do whatever it took? The one that made you forget about anything else but your passion, your dream, your desires? The one that got you out of bed in the morning, eager to GET GOING and making progress toward your goals? Your FIRE is fading.. and fading fast. What’s happening? What’s going on? Why on EARTH are you slowing down? You were so damn close and then you got… What? Lazy? Tired? Frustrated? Or maybe you decided that you needed a BREAK and so off you want on a little vacay that lasted 2 weeks and – NOW I’M BACK, you say, but you.. You just aren’t. You haven’t been “here” for awhile now, even when you’ve physically been present. Your dreams are DYING. Your passion is DWINDLING. Your confidence is SHATTERED. And you KNOW this, of course, but you don’t wanna fully believe it, do you? You don’t wanna admit that, maybe.. just maybe.. you fucked it all up again. Again again again, you go, setting big goals, gettin’ all RAH RAH RAH, THIS IS IT, I’M BACK BITCHES, AND THIS IS MY TIME.. then.. Almost like clockwork… You’re gone again. Your work feels boring.  Sales have dried up.  Clients arefew & far between. You’re feeling exhaused. Fed up. Frustrated beyond belief.. and you wonder: This again? Really? YES. THIS AGAIN. You’ve lost your fire. You’ve forgotten who you ARE. And so OF COURSE things stop working. OF COURSE things don’t...
When are you FINALLY gonna say YES to your soul?

When are you FINALLY gonna say YES to your soul?

What you charge for your programs and services is irrelevant. You could charge $2 or $200,000 and it wouldn’t matter. You will STILL have people say “no”, and you will still have people say “yes”. Because what really matters is never the price tag, it’s the value associated with it. That’s what people are interested in. The price is just a small detail. If you can sell me a RESULT, I don’t care what the price is, I. AM. IN! When I signed on to work with my coaches, it wasn’t because they were “cheap” or because I could “afford” them, it was because my soul told me I had no other choice. That this WAS my answer. Even though it made zero sense on paper, even though I was drowning in debt, credit cards maxed out, bleeding money like crazy, I STILL invested a lot of money in coaching. Not because I’m insane (although some may argue this fact!), but because I’m fucking SMART. Because I know that every time I invest in myself in a big way like that, I get the motherfucking results. Every time I push myself just outside of my comfort zone, I experience bigger and better shifts than I ever have in the past when I was just playing it safe. I don’t give a shit what the price is. If I can get a RESULT from that financial investment, I’ll find a way to make it happen. I’ve spent well over $100,000 on coaches and mentorships and will spend MUCH more than that in the coming months, because I know how VALUABLE...


I’m gonna ask you a question point-blank and you’ve gotta answer honestly, okay? Don’t lie. You’re hurting yourself more than anyone else, if you do. 😉  ARE YOU REALLY DOING ALL THAT YOU CAN? I mean, truly doing every single thing you know how to do in order to create the life and business that you want.. are you? Yep, I’m talking about the WORK, and yes I know I just talked about the work the other day, but I’m gonna talk about it again because most people are NOT doing the work (maybe you’re one of them), and need a good kick in the ass about it. That’s what I’m here for, of course! Always happy to deliver a needed ass-kicking. 😉 Listen: Doing the work is CRUCIAL. Staying the course, one foot in front of the other, taking consistent, persistent, aligned action, day in and day out.  You must give ALL that you have - this is your freakin’ LIFE we’re talking about here! Do you want it to be amazing? Then you’ve gotta WORK, bitch! {Channelling my inner Britney right now.} Don’t be afraid of the work. In fact, if it’s work you LOVE, it won’t actually feel like “work” at all - not in the sense that it feels like a burden, which it DOES for most people, and that’s because they aren’t doing their SOUL work, but instead doing “surface work”, just to pay the bills. Gross. Some days it may feel like a pain in the ass and you REALLY won’t wanna. Do it anyway. These are the most IMPORTANT days to do...

It’s all your fault!

Can tell you something that might sting a little? Something that might make you want to punch me for saying, but that you KNOW you need to hear? Yes? Okay, cool. I will then. 🙂  So here’s the truth, and it’s the truth that you KNOW but yet you’re afraid to admit to yourself:  YOU ARE WHERE YOU ARE BECAUSE OF DECISIONS YOU’VE MADE IN THE PAST. That means, of course, that it’s all your fault.  I told you that it might sting a little. 😉  The sooner you can accept that everything that has, or hasn’t, happened in your life, all comes down to the decisions that you’ve made (and are currently making), the sooner you can actually change what needs to be changed and finally achieve the results that you really want.  You need to DECIDE what it is you want and then make decisions based on THAT. Want more money?  What DECISIONS do you need to make in order for more money to flow into your life? Want a new relationship?  What DECISIONS to you need to make in order to make space for this person to appear in your life? It always comes down to the decisions you make and the actions you take.  Deciding is great, and it’s for sure the starting point, but alongside it comes action. Action that will bring that decision to life and make it your new reality.  Don’t you see? You’re keeping yourself stuck because of the thoughts in your head, the decisions you make, and the actions you don’t take. It’s never going to get easier. It’s only...

The REAL reason you’re never able to break through to the next level..

You wanna know the REAL reason you’re never able to break through to the next level? It’s not because you don’t want to. It’s not because you’re not worthy of it. It’s not because you don’t know how. It’s not because you’re not ready. Bullshit bullshit bullshit. The reason – The REAL reason why you can’t ever, no matter how hard you try, move past this level you’re STUCK at and have been stuck at for ages, is because of this simple fact: You won’t step the fuck up and CLAIM IT. WANTING to be at the next level is not enough to GET there, fully. You can’t wish for it. You can’t cross your fingers and HOPE it one day happens. ‘Cause it won’t. Not without you, first, stepping up to the plate, ready to go to bat for your dreams, and consistently swinging – And with the constant UPLEVEL actions needed to move THROUGH where you are now and into the next phase of being. Where most people stop is not with the “doing the work” part… no, the work is EASY, we always DO the damn work, and quite enjoy it, thank you very much! – But that’s about where it ends – And so you’re caught in that never-ending circle of work, work, work, work, work. - which is okay in it’s own right (we do love the work, afterall!), but what happens is: You STAY WHERE YOU ARE. Sure, you may gradually increase your email list size, or even your income a little bit, but for the most part, you’re just… stuck. You make...