One subtle shift that will change your money results in your biz!

The right things, meaning, the things that move you forward, get you what you want, and make you feel alive. Wanna feel happy? Wanna feel confident? Wanna feel abundant? Wanna feel energized? Yeah? Then, what you need to do, of course, is take actions that get you to those feelings. You know you can just CHOOSE to feel a certain way, right? You can choose to feel happy.  You can choose to feel confident. You can choose to feel abundant. You can choose to feel energized. And by FEELING, you start BEING. Your feelings lead to your ultimate reality. Let me say that again so it [hopefully] sinks in: YOUR FEELINGS LEAD TO YOUR ULTIMATE REALITY. If you want to be a confident person, CHOOSE to first FEEL confident. Every day, over and over. If you want to be wealthy, just do yourself a favor and CHOOSE to first FEEL wealthy. It will feel weird at first. It will feel like you’re just lying to yourself… because, uh.. YOU ARE. Keep doing it. Keep choosing to feel a certain way. Feel the feelings. Feel the feelings. Feel the feelings. Over and over, again and again, day after day. And the next thing you know, you actually believe it. You BELIEVE that you are confident. Wealthy. Energized. Abundant. Happy. And from that place – That place of true BELIEF – You’re able to make it REAL. You actually ARE happy.  You actually ARE abundant.  You actually ARE energized.  You actually ARE confident. The whole “fake it til’ you make it” thing? Yeah. That. It feels bizarre. But it works. I’ve...