How to get anything you want..

How to get anything you want..

I have this friend. Let’s call her Betty. Betty really wants to grow her coaching business. She currently makes around $6,000 per month and has been stuck around that mark for over 8 months. Whenever we get together and talk about our businesses, she mentions that she really wants to get to $30K months, as that is enough to pay all of her bills, travel, put money in savings, and buy furniture for her new house. She has mentioned working with a particular coach at least a dozen times. She is always commenting on how this coach always says what she needs to hear and her free content is “so valuable”. I encouraged her to do whatever she had to do to invest in working with this coach. And she always said “you’re right, I really should, but _______” (insert excuse of your choice). I don’t make enough money yet.  I have to pay my credit card bill first. I don’t know how I would make that money back. It feels too soon, I should wait until January.  I don’t know if I’m ready for a coach. Every time, there was some kind of excuse as to why she couldn’t hire this coach that she obviously loved and wanted to work with. I eventually got to the point where I stopped mentioning it because I didn’t think she’d ever pull the trigger and take a chance on herself and hire this coach. But it kept coming up. Every time we’d get together and work on our businesses, she’d say “I really feel like I need to hire someone to...