All I’ve Ever Done To Make Money Online Is Live My Life And Show It To People On The Internet

All I’ve Ever Done To Make Money Online Is Live My Life And Show It To People On The Internet

We need to talk. Enough is enough with the bullshit games you’re playing with yourself, okay? You’re making it harder than it actually is. You’re actually CALLING IN the stress, the fear, the frustration in your life by doing things the way you’ve been doing. No more. No more making things hard. No more doing things because you think you have to. No more stalking people on FB (don’t lie, I know you do it!). No more trying to “figure it out”. No more waiting for the perfect moment. No more playing it safe. No more over-thinking anything. It’s time now for you to leap. To make a big, BOLD decision. To take a chance. And to TRUST and KNOW that everything is working out in your favor. Everything is happening right on schedule. Everything is happening exactly as it’s supposed to. Everything is happening for your benefit. Know. Trust. Believe. Stop hiding! Stop letting other people shine while you hide out in the shadows, secretly spying on them to see how they do it. Stop analyzing their moves. Their products. Their prices. Their content. Their emails. Stop trying to be like them! If you want to get paid to be YOU, you need to show up and fucking BE you! Not forcing things you don’t feel good about, not TRYING to show up – Just be. And just do. You must do what energizes you! You must do what makes you feel alive! You must do what feels fun and exciting! You must do what makes you feel good! You must do what makes you truly happy! You...