10 Things I Learned About Business As A Female Entrepreneur

10 Things I Learned About Business As A Female Entrepreneur

I’ve been running my own businesses ever since I was 18. I quit my job at a local coffee shop and swapped my apron for comfy pajamas and got to work doing what I actually wanted to do and not what someone else asked of me. Over the last 15, I’ve had multiple businesses. Many of them were failures. Some were successes. In the process, I learned a lot about myself, and the business world in general. People will think you’re crazy. Don’t expect people to understand when you tell them you’re quitting your job to start your own business. Don’t bother telling them you’re going to work from home, doing your own thing, and making damn good money doing it. They won’t understand, and will likely roll their eyes at you when you aren’t looking. This is totally normal and to be expected. You will have lots of grand ideas, many of which will fail. Failure is a part of life, and even more so for the everyday entrepreneur. The thing about entrepreneurs is that their brain is always on. They’re always thinking of the “next big thing” and how they could turn that “thing” into a real, thriving business. As an entrepreneur, you are likely to fail A LOT. You will have failed strategies, failed businesses, and failed relationships. Again — normal. Failure leads to success. When you fail at a business, this just means you have to try again, because success is right around the corner. So, don’t let the fear of failure stop you from trying what you want to try. Your big idea could...